Enter the New Dimension of Democracy

Democracy is 1

Enter Into the New Dimension of Democracy and Elections

We are all trapped in the bounds of our thoughts. The universe of life is without visible limits, yet we cannot seem to see beyond the limits of our actions, those that we have previously constructed by our thoughts which are attached to our limited experience. Freedom is sometimes the product of us cutting a hole in the fears that keep us contained – slicing through the bubble of our comfort zone. We have to recognize that we frame the limits to keep us safe, but sometimes comfort zones also enslave us to a dangerous place if safe is really somewhere beyond where we presently are.

Or is it the laziness of thought that has kept us trapped? You decide what keeps you entangled to to your old you.

But if we were to cut a window to look out, or better still, a door though which we can walk through into the open air of new ideas, then you do something about the trap. Paradigms die in such places as these.

Enter the New Dimension of Elections. We have had a wall that has shut the public from participation in elections. Our politicians have set the trap, a mantra, “We have democracy – see, we have elections”. Meanwhile democracy is much more than elections. Democracy is where the people have a real say in the way their country is run, and the true sign of a democracy is where the People have a say between election. Chasing the public down for a vote for them has nothing to do with democracy. It has more to do with the domination of an old paradigm and our enslavement to a lousy democracy.

We see the sea of candidate signs cluttering the scenery, the confounding of our thoughts, and encroaching upon our democracy. That sea of signs not only entice us to vote for the candidate whose name appears on the sign, but as well, the sheer numbers overwhelm us, they on mass become a wall to us participating in our own democratic process.

We must come to see clearly, our democracy doesn’t belong to the politicians, it is ours. It only seems that it is theirs because they stake out the whole territory and we, by our lack of understanding, or laziness let them claim the prize. That is why I decided to put up signs of my own in the last Federal Election and moreso during the past Ontario Election. In my putting up my own signs I was physically staking my claim to my right to participate in the process of the election and our democracy.

100_3966 The Only Sign I Want to See

There was some evidence that the politicians also recognized the nuance of my actions.  The Party people, at least on a subconscious level, understood the bounds I had crossed. At first I put up 5 signs, 3 said “Democracy is the People have a say between elections”.  Of that first 5 signs I staked, one was broken in half, and the 2 other signs were detached from their supports and they were thrown down in the bushes. The sign in the above picture was tossed into the trees – 1/2 ” plywood is a bit had to break). It should be noted that the nearby candidate signs were untouched (see the picture at the top of the page). It is unclear why a member of the general public would be disturbed by my message or my sign. Refining my strategy I began staking signs up in busy street corners of the city, so it would be much more difficult to tamper with my signs without being noticed. The remainder of my signs were untouched. I also decided to leave my signs up for a few days after the election. My signs were not particularly about the election, more they were about democracy.

Broken Sign Democracy is

I have decided that there is no time that I am limited to to put up my signs, democracy is ongoing and we must always be on the lookout for more opportunities to put out our message. Months before the election, during the winter, I put signs on the back of my vehicle; marked in the slush dried on my car’s back window. Many people agreed with the sentiments of my message;  “Tired of Winter….. and Harper. Often people read the sign and gave me a thumbs up. Although my latest version has wiped away as surely as the slush of the winter, I will revisit the revised message next year, which read….”Tired of Winter…and Harper….both are cold”. I write it this way because it is a bit of a trap… Tired of Winter (in the throws of winter, everyone agrees. And then the person reads and Harper, that surprises them and they  are already half way to being on your side with the first statement…. and then with a joke … they are both cold.

Tired of Winter and Harper

In the past I wrote a blog suggesting that the people need to go toe to toe with politicians. There are many segments of the public that take various stances on activities in politics. There are those that have no interest, those that are on the politic party thinking side of the political divide and there are the activists that take a non-partisan, grassroots view of the issues. How I feel the Activists have failed is, 1. they have not left their own issue silos and have not been united in the imperative issue of protecting and enhancing our Democracy, and 2. they have taken a position of asking,  or  begging for recognition and to be heard. My standpoint is much more in the face, I do not feel we should trifle with a position were we ask, or worse, beg for our representatives to hear us. From the long years I have been involved in politics I recognize that it is our right to be served in a healthy democratic process, therefore, I take the position of not asking, I tell my representatives what I want, and informing my representatives how democracy is supposed to operate, giving them suggestions how they could act, as my representative, more democratically.

I don’t apologize, for my oppinion, but there are Activists – they are not afraid to get into the politicians faces, and then there are the Talktavists that merely talk about politicians, their rights and what democracy is. The Activist acts like he/she already has the rights and are merely waiting to excise the right to use them. Everyone else are Inactivists. I think that it is time to put the name out there….Inactivists, because it is a comment about them, from me it is a voice of scorn, and intolerance. They are leaving a disgusting world to their children and their grandchildren, and they deserve to hear it from me. It is better to hear it from me, than their children and their children and their grandchildren who will, in the time of their great trouble, ask their parents and their grandparents, “What did you do to protect us from this world of little freedoms”.

This  putting up signs also becomes a training to our representatives, having examples of things that they have not yet confided, and to which that their parties are sure as h___ not teaching them. (My next blog will give an example of my latest correspondence with a good Parliamentary representative).

The nuance of asking for our rights to be heard compared to demanding/insisting that our rights are respected is very important. We can also see it in the difference of begging compared to asking; it is a matter assertiveness and maturity. It a matter of the standing of equals, not of us below asking to those above us. If we, as Activists, can influence an army of demanding voters we will find our tipping point of power returning to the power of true democracy to the people and away from power establishment of the party system.

Now add persistence and we’ve really got the formula of change.

The Post I referred to, to engage with our representative:


This is an article about the depravity of the Party System. It is called, Not My Idea of a Party.




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The Story of Money, Credit and Banks


Consider the mess the world is in, with all the collapsing economies, and then see if this story doesn’t have relevance to the mess today.

The story of banks began in medieval times, more specifically, during the Crusades. The Crusade was a war where kings and noblemen themselves, of a number of European countries, traveled a great distance to the Middle East. Being away for many years at a time, kings had to find a way to protect there gold, jewels etc. while away; their whole army would be taken, if some precaution was not taken, a small number of men could have scaled the king’s castle and stolen all his fortune. So kings and noblemen alike left their gold with goldsmiths for its protection.

At handing over the gold, the owner of the gold would be given a note or receipt for the deposit, as proof of possession. Being that the depositors were gone for so long, the gold stayed with the goldsmith for many years, but something quite unexpected happened. Gold was so heavy and burdensome to haul around, so those who possessed the gold gave the notes to someone else for the purchase of property, rather than to have the gold picked up from one fellow and then merely deposited again from another. This meant that the gold sat for many more years without anyone actually taking it into their own possession.


Some underhanded goldsmith got the notion to write up a note for himself and found that with it he could purchase property and goods with it. He had found himself the goose that lays the golden eggs, but he had to keep it secret or he was surely to be found out and executed by an angry king or nobleman. As time went on he became a rich and powerful.

If the goldsmiths weren’t onto a good enough thing, someone began writing up notes and giving it to borrowers and they collected interest on the sum lent.

As time went on goldsmithing would become a different industry altogether. What began as the goldsmithing trade morphed into a bank and as it grew, into a banking industry. Today we still have traces of that very system still in existence. Paper money may still be referred to as Bank Notes, and until 50 years ago the value of money was pegged to gold and the system was referred to as the Gold Standard.Gold bars and bullion

English: One dollar banknote issued by the Col...

English: One dollar banknote issued by the Colonial Bank of Canada, Toronto. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

My reason for writing this blog is to get Canadians realize that banks have been given the right to create money from our Government. Now if our Government has the power to give banks the right create money then Canada also has the power to create money for itself. The question that shouts out for an answer is, when Canada is paying $40billion a year to pay for money that they have borrowed from banks, why don’t they create the money for us themselves? Your tax dollars are being emptied out of your pockets because Canada has chosen to borrow money when our elected representative could easily, and better create it through the Bank of Canada. The Government of Canada made a law to nationalize the Bank of Canada back in 1938. This allowed the Bank of Canada to do what all banks do – to create money – only, if you create money for yourself (as a Nation) You do not owe money to anyone. You cannot owe yourself money. So why do your and my Government borrow our money from Private Banks? That is a question we should talk about until every voter is talking about it and then ask our politicians, particularly before we cast our ballots next election.

And after we have done our budgeting and seen that we are only one paycheque away from money trouble, remember this. You would still have most of the dollars that you pay for taxes in your pocket if in 1974 Trudeau didn’t start borrowing Canada’s money from Private Banks rather than from the Bank of Canada. Now ask yourself “Who is Government there for? For the People, or for the profits of the  Multinationals and the greed of the Private Banks?


Other articles that you will want to read and pass on to educate your friends:

3 Economists Say Canada Needs to Get Debt-free Money From the Bank of Canada


What the Heck is Going on Out There (Banking)


Poverty amid plenty.... of Rich Elitists

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What the Heck is Going on Out There? (Banking)

World Bank President James Wolfensohn speaking...

World Bank President James Wolfensohn speaking at the opening of the Annual Meetings’ Program of Seminars; Prague Congress Centre (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

As written in the “What the Heck is Going on Out There (Multinational Corporattions)”, which is part 1 of this article, I wrote that there  wasn’t enough money in the pockets of consumers to maintain high profits, and thus the Multinational Corporations went to the stock market to earn the profits high enough to keep the shareholders happy. This article is intended to help explain the other side of purchases  and to explain what is going on in the financial industry in today’s lousy economy.

There was a time when banks lent out their own money, but things have changed haven’t they. We do not know how things changed, the banking business is above scrutiny and awash with secrecy, and now the characters that brought about the changes are all dead and are not telling. We don’t know if the changes came about in Canada as a shell game or scullduggery, but thing certainly changed.

What is known is that the Banking Industry has changed massively and the powers over money creation, and therefore lending, and therefore over the lives of the People. The effects on the consumers has grown exponentially. What began as Banks lending their own money, and the money of the depositors became a game where the Banks could lend out 20 times the money that the bank could put down as a security deposit.

In simple English that means that a bank could lend out the same money 20 times, or put in a different way, the bank could lend out the same money to 20 people (some call this fractional reserve, others the multiplier). You could see how money could expand under such a formula, and how consumerism could explode. The result is easy to see, whereas when the banks could only lend their money and the money of depositors, and it took years to save and to buy anything, due to the lack of money as a resource. Expanded money seemed a boon to consumers, but there was to be a price to pay. Today, a consumer can merely walk into a store and lay down a card and walk out with whatever the person’s little heart desired, and the bank limit on the card could carry. In a word, for how much you a slave are able to pay back the ability to pay the sum back.

Today also, the only limit to a bank’s lending to consumers it the ability of the consumers to repay the loan. As according to Graeme Towers, the first Bank of Canada Governor, loans are merely a number entry. In Mr. Tower’s day it was a number written on a card, or on a ledger. Today when you take out a loan you are given a number, that amount that you agreed with the bank to borrow, which the bank then places into your bank account. It is not the banks money, and it is not the money of the depositors, it is merely a number typed into the bank’s computer, to the amount of money agreed to on the contract you signed with the bank.

One other point for you to know and understand is that 95% of the money that came into creation in Canada, came by way of a bank loan to a private individual, to a company, or a government. To confuse the point, economists will argue that that is not true, that some of the money would come into Canada via trade. That is why I stated it this way, “came into creation in Canada”. The other 5% came by way of money printed by the mint and put into circulation.

This means that interest is being paid for the vast majority of the money in circulation, in Canada, and therefore, and it is essential to know, it ends up that money has to be borrowed by someone , a government, or an industry to pay back the money in interest charges. That amounts to constantly borrowing money (by someone) to expand the money enough to pay back the interest owed to the banks.


This explains the massive profits to Canada’s banks, and it also explains why consumers are getting deeper and deeper in debt, and why so many people are either maxing out their credit limits, and why so many people are forced into bankruptcy. You can see it in the whole World, all those countries in massive debt and having to be bailed out. And we are only seeing the first salvoes of the economic carnage to come. The 5% debt-free money will not, can not pay for the interest charges of the lending of numbers.


Our banks are phoning us more now than ever in history because each bank is fighting to gain the last bits of our debt. Frankly, we are near the verge of being maxed out for debt, and anyone with any more room to carry more debt is phoned and hounded to borrow from them.   Credit cards


So the question is, where do the banks go from here, with us almost at our capacity of debt. The next step is for banks, and the Multinational Corporations to develop the 3rd World where there are new people, with the potential of getting an income and them becoming the consumers and then becoming debtors.

If you watch this You Tube clip, at approximate 6 minute mark the speaker, James Wolfensohn, (former president of The World Bank), states that in the past, the wealth of the West was 85% of the World’s wealth, while the 3rd World has about 15% of the World’s wealth. At about the 13 minute mark of the clip, Mr. Wolfensohn suggests that in the next 30 years, the West’s wealth will drop to 35% and the emerging nations would then have 65% of the World’s Wealth. Even someone with no imagination can imagine the change the West will experience as we are shifted into poverty.
Going back to an earlier metaphor, the banks are parasites that are sucking the West dry, but the emerging markets will become the new host of their parasitic activities. We, in the West will be sucked dry and spit out because Greed has it’s own vision, and no compassion, and no friend but for dollars. We who are recipients of their greed must learn of this and defend ourselves of their powers that OUR GOVERNMENTS gave them or our future cannot help but be bleak. In our indifference to controlling the representatives of our Government, we have allowed our Government to hand over control of the creation of money over to those who would do us harm, and they are harming us. The heads of the Financial Industry will toss us aside like dross. What bully has respect for him whom he abuses. We continue to be indifferent.

As James Wolfensohn pointed out, this will happen over the next 30 years, so it means we do have some time to put in changes that can begin to reverse this situation. The first thing that has to happen is for the public to become aware of this imminent danger (and that is why it is imperative that this message is sent out to everyone we know), and then we voters can understand the need to demand a change in our Economic Policy.  Consider this, economists dismiss the concern of debt on the Economy, but you and I live with this reality every day. But the system is managed by these economist, but Ben Bernanke  (Chairman of the US Federal Reserve (that is, contrary to popular belief, not owned by the American people)), and Mark Carney (formerly Governor of the Bank of Canada, and now the head of the Bank of England), these people with their 6 figure incomes have no concept of debt or what all of this debt is doing in the lives of the people living at the 99% end of society. I can only shake my head as I consider that these guys are controlling our Economies and do not know that debt matters. How is it that we can expand past our capacity to repay without a collapse. It is called bankruptcy, and haven’t enough countries gone down that road for them to notice this MINOR POINT. That is why the People HAVE to come to understand these concepts, enough to get control of them by voting in the right people to solve these problems. And again, as I have suggested as the solution to our political wows, I say for our financial wows, we MUST begin electing Representatives that are not affiliated with the Party System, because they are merely agents to the 1% agenda.

In all this complication I don’t want anyone to get the idea that I am opposed to the system of multiplying credit; I am not. The multiplying of credit was the means of the Bank of Canada bringing Canada out of the Depression (when the banks refused to do it for Canada’s then Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie – that was the impetuous for William Lyon Mackenzie buying some private banks and creating a Canada owned Bank of Canada). I learned of Social Credit about 40 years ago, and so I have understood that this debt system of Economics is not the only model of Economics out there. It is difficult for people who have their head swim at the present system to know that this is not the only way to do things. What is imperative for us to understand is, it is not the system of multiplying that is the difficulty and the harm to society, it is who controls the system. Our present money system it is driven by profits, thus debt to us the consumers. The other part of the solution is for the Bank of Canada to control the system and expand the credit; this would be the expansion of Debt-free money, as opposed to Debt-money lent out by profit seeking banks.  How the idea of voting for Independents (non-party) got into this is because it will only be Independents that will have the independence of changing the system.

Till then. We sit in a room with a hood put over our heads; someone keeps smacking us on the head with a stick, and no one has the smarts to take the hood off to see who is doing the smacking. We complain but do not try to stop the person from doing it. That’s how stupid is that.
(End of Article)

Important Articles to read:




Here are some famous quotes from some famous people, speaking on the topic of banking.


Congressman Patman: “Mr. Eccles, how did you get the money to buy those two billions of government securities?” Eccles: “We created it.” Patman: “Out of what?” Eccles: “Out of the right to issue credit money.” – Testimony of Marriner Eccles, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, before the House Banking and Currency Committee, 1941
(Anyone interested can contact me, we, in Canada, have an equivalent statement by Graeme Towers, Canada’s first Bank of Canada Governor in a 1939 Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce).


“Every effort has been made by the Federal Reserve Board to conceal its powers, but the truth is that the Federal Reserve System has usurped the government. It controls everything in congress and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will.” – Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency


“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war. God grant that my suspicions may prove groundless.” – Abraham Lincoln, from a November 21, 1864 letter to Colonel William F. Elkins


“Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and, with the flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from them and all great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in. But, if you want to continue to be the slave of the bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let the bankers continue to create money and control credit.” – Sir Josiah Stamp, President, Bank of England (2nd richest man in England)


“History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.” – James Madison


“I am afraid that ordinary citizens will not like to be told that the banks can, and do, create and destroy money; and they who control the credit of the nation direct the policy of governments and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people.” – R. McKenna, Chairman, Midland Bank London


“It may appear that what goes on is happenstance, but the government most surely has planned it.” – Franklin Roosevelt


“If you don’t read the newspaper, you are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed.” – Mark Twain


“The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, so what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. They pull the strings and we dance.” – John Swinton, New York Times Chief of Staff
“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It is simply too painful to acknowledge – even to ourselves – that we’ve been so credulous.” – Carl Sagan


“Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity.” – Marshall McLuhan


“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power of money should be taken away from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs.” – Thomas Jefferson


“The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the principles and form of our Constitution. I am an enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but coin. If the American people allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” – Thomas Jefferson. (Compare that to what is happening today)


“The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity.” – Abraham Lincoln


“The great mass of people will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one. What luck for rulers that men do not think.” – Adolf Hitler


“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It is simply too painful to acknowledge – even to ourselves – that we’ve been so credulous.” – Carl Sagan


“The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the People vs. The Banks.” – Lord Acton, Lord Chief Justice of England, 1875


I’ll give the last words to someone at the center of the issue, one of the chief bankers himself. Give me control of a nations money supply, and I care not who makes it’s laws
Amschel Rothchilds












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Posted in 1% / 99%, Economic / Financial / Bank of Canada | Tagged , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Michael Chong is a Democratic Hero

Michael Chong

Michael Chong is a Democratic Hero. He has proposed legislation that would limit the power of all party leaders, and particularly a Prime Minister as well.

In grassroots politics we tend to only focus on bashing the politicians that are up to no good and taking away from our Democracy. I would suggest that we would do well to applaud and support the democratic heroes like Michael Chong.

As such, I have supplied a few You Tube clips to familiarize Canadians with who Michael Chong is and what he is about in proposing this Reform Act legislation.

More information and an outlet to get involved and support Michael’s cause, by going to http://whoacanada.wordpress.com/2013/12/04/reclaiming-democracy-reformact/

Michael deserves our support and our Democracy needs to be revitalized. We live in a World where space ship go to Mars and we can get information at the click of a mouse and yet we live under a Parliamentary System set up almost a hundred and fifty years ago ???????

Please support Michael in his move to get the Reform Act passed. Please contact your MP and tell him/her that you want him/her to vote for the legislation. You can also help inform your friends by passing this post on and sharing on Facebook, Twitter and other platforms.

Posted in Canadian Politics, Learning about Democracy | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

The Party System – An Illusion of a Democracy

Essential Knowledge Needed to Grow a Democracy part 9

Not My Idea of a Party

How many times have we seen where there is a big vote in Parliament, or a legislature, and heard the leaders of the parties , and the party whips, get out and coerce our sitting members to vote in line with the leaders decisions. We most recently saw it when Harper brought down the Omnibus Budget.

There is money involved here. Any member of the ruling party, the Conservatives, or Liberals that gets out of line, or in plain words, anyone that votes for what the Constituents want which is contrary to the Party line, will never get a Cabinet posting, or sit on a committee. It means that your member will be punished for doing what he/she is meant to do, act as your representative.  This isn’t just not democratic, it is  deliberate, planned and therefore it is anti-democratic.

When it comes to voting against what you as a Constituency wants, and I’ll leave it to you to decide about your own personal Representative, does he/she vote that way in the hopes to getting a Cabinet Post in the future, with its $  75,516* increase in income? And does he/she just not understand that voting contrary to your interests is anti-democratic?

The Failure of the Representative System under Parties

Moreover, inasmuch as this is deeply systemic, it means that the member that you send to represent you is a member of a party that is organized against the constituents, and guess what, you are paying them to organize against your wishes. Herein is the problem Canadians face, our politicians are organized, we are not.Most Canadians don’t even understand what is happening between elections. And while this is all going on Canadians are just trying to keep their heads above financial waters.

So we don’t have the where-with-all to organize ourselves against this, but at least Canadians have to come to understand this as a problem so we can stop it. The first, and every time your member votes against your will you have to phone his/her constituency office and tell him/her that it is not representing you by voting against the constituents wishes and that you will not be voting for him/her next election if they ever do it again. This is powerful, because it is the way it is supposed to go – it is democracy. If an enormous amount of pressure is brought to bear on the representative, this might just stir your member to remember what democracy us all about. If they don’t represent your wishes you get rid of them in the next election. Understand and remember this, the Achilles heal of your representative is, he/she wants to get re-elected and the more voters that get mad at him/her, they know the less they have to get elected.

But it is not enough to go onto the next election and vote for the same “yesman” member. We have to find a representative that will vote for the constituents. Repeating what I wrote in “Is Your Member an Elitists or a Democrats?”

( https://pushinback.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/essential-knowledge-needed-to-grow-a-democracy-part-5/  ) at the next election we have to ask each candidate this, “if there is an issue in which your constituents believe one way, but your party believes differently, who will you align your vote with? If the candidate does not clearly and immediately say they intend to represent their constituents DON’T vote for the person.

It means that it is time that we stop voting for anyone associated with the major parties and start voting for independents, Or if there isn’t anyone for you to vote for, destroy your ballot in protest. This might seem appalling to some, but to vote for anyone who does not vote the will of their constituents is anti-democratic and your vote for them is your acknowledgement that you agree with their methods and you also agree with our anti-Democratic system.

The most important point to remember is, Independents have no one to answer to but the constituents. “But independents will have no power” you say . Independents have not been bought by Corporate interests, and only owe their allegiance to those whom elected them. Harper would have you know that only electing his party members will give your riding a say, as in electing a Member in Power, but that seems quite hilarious inasmuch as Harper himself and the PMO don’t give them a say. So much for lies and fairy tales. Pierre Trudeau called his backbenchers nobodies in  a public statement.
In our present Party System, the Government is not OUR Government, rather, it is the Government of the 1% Masters. They tolerate our having controlled rights in order to take our last dimes. We are having more money and rights taken as time goes on, and we, who find ourselves sitting at the bottom of the pot feel the water getting warmer, but most have no sense to jump out of the pot. Will we notice before our brains get cooked?


Source of “nobody” title by Pierre Trudeau: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/02/01/trudeau-backbenchers-justin-pierre-mps_n_2601990.html

We must stop this Party System abuse or Canadians will never get Democracy. We will never have Democracy until we elect a majority of Independent Representatives.
Post Update: 
I often update and add content to my posts as new events occur, or as I come across new information. I am an advocate of reading the writings of the American Founding Fathers, and  I came across some statements of John Adams and George Washington who warned of parties in America, but I believe that he speaks of the nature of the Party System, therefore I regard it useful for Canadians to consider as well.This is a selection from the George Washington Farewell: 20
“I have already intimated to you the danger of parties in the state, with particular reference to the founding of them on geographical discrimination’s. Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party, generally”.  “Without looking forward to an extremity of this kind, … the common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it.”
Found at:  http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_did_Washington_think_of_the_two-party_systemRELATED ARTICLES:  YES WE HAVE ELECTIONS BUT DO WE HAVE DEMOCRACY
For the doubting Thomas’ out there, here are 2 clips to prove the power from the  top down.An audio file of CBC podcast where, among other things, Brent Rathgeber dicusses how the PMO dictate how the PC Members will vote. In Brent’s words, the PMO is accountable to no one including the Prime Minister.http://podcast.cbc.ca/mp3/podcasts/current_20130628_28862.mp3
Here are 2 You Tube clip of  David Wilks describing what it is like to be a backbencher in the Harper Government,  it was part of a blog that I posted called  “Stephan Harper’s Democracy”.       https://pushinback.wordpress.com/2013/04/14/this-is-harpers-democracy/TOP DOWN OR BOTTOM UP DEMOCRACYhttps://pushinback.wordpress.com/2012/02/08/top-down-or-bottom-up-democracy-18/

Posted in Democracy, Esencial Information for Democracy, Independants, Learning about Democracy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Where Stephen Harper First Learned His Parliamentary Skills

Cookie jar and cookiesIn the spirit of the present Senate Scandal I am updating a blog that I wrote back in May, 2013. It is my imaging how Harper learned his skills of exaggeration, er, baffooning, er, well lets say it like it is, sneaking and lying.

This is meant as a spoof and a bit of fun (kinda).

Mom     “Stevie, did you see who ate all of the chocolate chip cookies?

Stephen   “No Mom, are they gone?”

Mom      “Yes, I wouldn’t be asking if they weren’t.  Did you eat them?”

Stephen   “No, I already told you that?

Mom      “Then who would have taken them?

Stephen     “It might have been Janey.”

Mom       “But Janey has been at camp all this week.”

Stephen    “Then John; yah, I think I remember seeing John with his hand in the cookie jar.”

Mom       “But John went to his ball game before Supper, it couldn’t have been him.”

Stephen   “Then Dad.”

Mom        “Your Dad took John to his game. I have given you every opportunity to confess.   I had hoped you would have told me the truth. If you didn’t eat the chocolate cookies why do you have chocolate on your mouth?”

Stephen   “Okay, okay, don’t blow your hat off your head. This is the absolute truth. I was on the floor playing with my tinker toys, and the cookie jar must have been on its side and the cookies kept rolling out of the jar and they kept hitting the floor, so I ate them. Gee Mom, and here I was doing you a favour by cleaning up the floor.”

Mom         ” Oooooooh Stephen Joseph Harper. I can’t win with you.   …Get that blue sweater vest off, it’s starting to smell.”

Really, this is the story of how little Stephen learned to lie, but that is not a nice word. So, I’ll say that this is where Stevie learned to exaggerate beyond the point that the reality of the incident no longer resembled the truth.

The game is deny, deny, deny, until everyone else is sick of arguing with you. A good offense is a good defense.

As we have seen Stephan is a man that is also very talented at juggling. With so many statements out there and the situation becoming very fluid, Harper has done well to keep so many ball in the air. But the harm to the PM will come by his own doing. As he attacks the various characters involved in the shenanigans, it appears that they are not going to lie down and simply die. While the public may not have any sympathy for our 3 Senate villains, we may find that as the Prime Minister continues to besmirch  the name of Nigel Wright, he might finally speak up, and then the desisive blow will be delivered to the Prime Minister, one that he will not be able to wiggle out of.

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What is Real?

Giant Girl at airportI have struggled with this post for almost 2 months now. I feel like I need to give warning, that this is not a post for those that are faint of mind.

Having said that, I pose the question to the reader, What is real? Reflecting on my past there were many stages of my mental capacity that determined my thinking and outlook on that question. As children we never put any thought of such questions; those questions were far ahead, the secrets held in our adult brains to come. But perhaps that is why the concept of death of a parent spooked us so much. We had no conception part of our brains as of yet. As a young adult, I like any normal person breezed along believing everything I saw in the real world until the day my parents left their home in the morning, only to come back to a house that was burned to the ground. It is not only the loss of all your stuff that devastates you, it is also the realization that the house that you lived in and trusted for shelter was no longer real. It was there one moment and then almost the next it was gone. So again, I ask the question, What is real?

The loss of even a sense of reality leaves a hole in your psyche. The lack of certainty of reality leaves a person in a vulnerable place. When floating in space there are no boundaries with nothing solid to stand on and it’s a scary place if you don’t quickly get something under your feet. The absence of certainty (reality) is a place where you fear for your sanity. I was there once. As a 17 year old I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and found myself in a remote place where 4 young, angry and drunk men beat me up and walked me into the bush where they said they were going to kill me. A place of fear, raw emotion and adrenaline is not a stable place to contemplate reality.

I once went snowmobiling with someone and was enjoying the experience in my denim jacket. I thought that we were going for a quick tour of our small town, he took us out into the forest miles away from town. I did not even realize that I was getting cold, becoming numb.We think of the body as reality, but there I felt the opposite of what we regard as reality, I was losing the sensation of touch and my sight was getting inattentive, as if my mind was only observing in half clarity. Then something real did kick in, I recognized that I was freezing to death and grasping on to that realization I struggled to motivating my shutting down body to rush into the bush to find wood, to prepare a fire and to light it, to save my life. The driver, drunk, was chatting with an acquaintance of his, not even aware of the emergency I was living. So from these 2 outposts of my existence I have come to understand the real tangible place. What we can touch and feel in life doesn’t necessarily really give me reality. It was not my hands that gave me reality. With my body alone, without intelligence, I would have frozen to death. That something in me that drove me to get heat, that was real.

This realization is a place leaving me in the air wanting for a sense of reality. For fear of insanity we adopt a pseudo reality, we grasp the things of our sensory world “as real”. This becomes our boundaries and the security of a comfort zone.

Now I recognize that I may have left you hanging in the air without anything to hold up your sense of Self, so I will not leave you like that. I will extend a plank for you to walk on. You can either walk off the end, or you can turn around and walk back to the edge of the cliff. Please walk to the edge toward me.

While we might come to the conclusion that what we touch and feel are not necessarily real there is reality in this World, but strangely it seems to contradict what we all grew up thinking. Reality is actually found in the things that are unseen. To many of us, God has proven Himself real. As well, love, friendship, kindness, family relationships are all within the boundaries of the real. If you look at what is satisfying, comforting, meaningful and worthwhile, it is these things. Sadly, I believe, it will be at our deathbed where we will have the clearest view of what was real in our lives. We will see the relationships that we fostered, or did not, that will bring us the peace in dying, or the torment of regret. This is where it becomes confusing about what is real; because what is real is unseen and the unseeen is hard to measure and to conceptualization. That is why we acclaim the tangible to be real because it is something we can touch, feel, hear and smell, there is some way to measure it. But here is how it gets to be confusing,  it is through the tangible world that we express the realities of the unseen world. We measure, conceptualize and experience of the unseen real through the shadowed actions of our bodies.

This is nothing new, and it is not my concept that I alone have come to understand. This truth was known thousands of years. The Apostle Paul in the Bible made an observation that I could see only after coming to this realization, he said “ …we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal” 2 Cor,4 : 18). He was saying, we, from our spiritual understanding (or our understanding from the spirit part of us) do not value the things that are seen, but we value the things that are unseen. And here is his rational for that determination; the things that are seen are temporal (being temporal we can add the concept of being temporary), but the things that are unseen are eternal, meaning permanent.

There is no sense speaking to a dead body, the real has left. And all the money the person amassed, the person’s house and all the possessions owned are left behind to the tangible world. But the memories and substance of love, goodness of character, the acts of kindness and the persons Nature go on with them into the great unknown. Many do not believe in an after world, but I will extend another plank for you to walk on; but they never explain how it is that people die and often many hours later come back to life.  ( http://www.lifeafterdeathexperiences.org/evidence-of-life-after-death/#more-83  )

So, how then are we to live. My best advise to you is still another Christian principle; give yourself away to find yourself. But in the context of what I have written, give away the wants of your physical Self in the service of others and you will find the core of who you are, your spiritual Self.

So here I am, a political blog writer; what in the world does the topic of reality have to do with politics? I answer, is this material world not the world where the 1% live? People amassing tens of millions of dollars a year and they still want more. The truth is some of these people want it all. Imagine this, 6 members of the Walton family (of Wal Mart fame) 6 Walmart Heirs Hold More Wealth Than 30% of Americans Combined. Source:  http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2011/12/14/six-waltons-have-more-wealth-than-the-bottom-30-of-americans/    What? That is crazy, but you don’t see the Waltons shutting down their Wal Mart stores. Rather, between 2005 and 2011Wal Mart added 3681 new stores to their money gobbling collection. And we find out from the same article, in Forbes Magazine.

Many of the Rich Elitists live lives almost solely through their stuff. They want more and more and would take it all from us, the 99% if they could. These are they that become cankered, empty people because their stuff cannot bring them happiness, or comfort, or any satisfaction of life and yet they seek for more and more; thinking in the madness that if I have more then I will be happy. It is surprising to us that in this empty cankered state they can continue to steal from those who are without homes, and with little food because their quest for more. It is like they have hunted down every strand of compassion in themselves and they have choked it out of themselves in the misdiagnosed quest for happiness.

So what is the message to the World, that the people, whether it is in Canada, or the US, or other parts of the free world must understand this principle, because the Rich Elitists are controlling OUR World in their unrealistic expectations and through their bottomless appetite for more and more, (if not all) and we, the people, must understand the problem in order to counteract their excess. We have to come to understand it, for our very own safety, and are we not getting to the point where the excess of our living is going use up all the resources that sustain us on this planet?

What do you think it was that caused the Great Depression? The Rich Elitists took more money out of the economy than the economy could handle. It was the poor that suffered as the Rich Elitists, that brought the Depression on, waited it out. Greed is also real. We must fight to control their greed, for our survival.


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The Bank of Canada Must Finance our Country With Debt-Free Money Say Three Economists

Laying of cornerstone, 10 August 1937 by Governor Towers and Prime Minister Mackenzie King  Mackenzie King and Bank of Canada’s first Governor Graeme Tower (1939 )

This article was found at http://michaeljournal.org/appenB.htm and I recommend it for an understanding of our countries economic system.

(An article published in the March-April, 1995 issue of the Michael Journal.
The introduction and comments are from Alain Pilote.)

Thanks to the sacrifices that have been made for over sixty years by the “White Berets” of the “Michael” and “Vers Demain” Journals, more and more people in high places are discovering the absurdity of the present financial system, and the urgency for the Federal Government to create its own money, interest free, instead of borrowing it at interest from private banks. Here are excerpts from a pamphlet published in 1992 entitled “The Deficit Made Me Do It!”, edited by Ed Finn, of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (251 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 804, Ottawa, Ont., K1P 5J6), in which three economists — Harold Chorney, of Concordia University in Montreal, John Hotson, of the University of Waterloo, and Mario Seccareccia, of the University of Ottawa — “debunk the myths about government debt,” and repeat, in their own words, what Louis Even and the Social Crediters of the “Michael” Journal have been explaining since 1939. (An updated version of this pamphlet, entitled “10 Deficit Myths”, was issued in January, 1996, and is also available from the same address mentioned above,)

Here is a text that makes a change with the conventional speeches of economists that are disconnected from reality. Moreover, this text points out the real problems and solutions concerning the public debt, at a time when several people are talking about slashing government spending — even social programs, like the pensions and unemployment insurance — to reduce the deficit. The subtitles are from the “Michael” Journal:

by Harold Chorney, John Hotson, and Mario Seccareccia

“Governments these days find it easy to defend cuts in services and programs. All they have to do is point to their annual deficits and their total accumulated debts. (As of March, 1994, Canada’s public debt was about $546 billion.) This public debt provides the politicians with a convenient excuse for cutting spending or raising taxes. Or both. «We’re broke,» they tell us plaintively. «We can’t afford to increase public services, or even keep them at their present level.»
A lesson of war

“As the deep recession dragged into 1992, Finance Minister Don Mazankowski said he couldn’t do anything about it. His hands were tied, he said. The federal government was broke. The cupboard was bare. The deficit and accumulated national debt were so enormous that his first priority had to be to reduce them — even if that meant prolonging the recession and making it even worse.

“So his budget contained almost nothing to revive the sick economy. With interest payments on the debt gobbling up one-third of tax revenue, his response was to keep taxes high and axe more public services and agencies. Like Martin Luther before him, Mazankowski in effect proclaimed: «Here stand I. I cannot do otherwise.»

“But it doesn’t take an economist to see that in fact he could. All you have to do is imagine what the government would do if it got involved in another Gulf War — or if that war were still raging. Would the Finance Minister have brought down the same kind of budget? Would he have said, «We’d like to keep on fighting, but we’re broke, so we’re calling our troops back»? Not on your life!

“Did Canada surrender half way through World War II because the national debt had grown even larger than the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)? Of course not! Somehow the extra money was found. If it wasn’t by raising taxes or borrowing from the private banks, why, the Bank of Canada simply created all the money the government needed — and at near-zero interest rates, too!

When World War II ended, the national debt relative to the national income was more than twice as large as it is now. But was the country ruined? Did we have to declare national bankruptcy? Far from it! Instead, Canada’s economy boomed and the country prospered for most of the post-war period.

The Bank of Canada Has Failed in Its Duty

“Why isn’t the same thing happening today? Why was a much larger national debt shrugged off in 1945, while today’s much smaller debt (as a percentage of GDP) is being used as an excuse to let the economy stagnate?

“The answer can be found at the Bank of Canada. During the war, and for 30 years afterward, the government could borrow what it needed at low rates of interest, because the government’s own bank produced up to half of all the new money. That forced the private banks to keep their interest rates low, too.

“Since the mid-1970s, however, the Bank of Canada, with government consent, has been creating less and less of the new money, while letting the private banks create more and more. Today our bank creates a mere 2% of each year’s new money supply, while allowing the private banks to gouge the government — and of course you and me, as well — with outrageously high interest rates. And it is these extortionate interest charges that are the principal cause of the rapid escalation of the national debt. If the federal government were paying interest at the average levels that prevailed from the 1930s to the mid-1970s, it would now be running an operating surplus of about $13 billion!”

The updated version (January, 1996) of the pamphlet expresses the same ideas:

“The Bank of Canada was established in 1935 by an Act of Parliament. In its legislative mandate, it is directed to promote economic growth and employment, as well as preserving the value of the Canadian dollar.

“Shortly after the Bank opened its doors, it was faced with the bankruptcy of provincial governments due to the Depression. Interpreting its mandate widely, as it is supposed to do, it made precedent-setting loans to restore the finances of Manitoba. Generous loans to other provinces followed.

“World War II found Canada ready and determined to act in the Allied cause. The war effort of the federal government was financed through enormous deficits and very low interest rates brought about by the Bank of Canada. At war’s end, the national debt stood at about 120% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), nearly double the level of today. Yet Canada went on to enjoy the greatest period of economic growth in its history…

“(Now) the Bank of Canada has decided that any government spending not financed by taxation is inflationary, so it no longer extends credit to the government by holding bonds and Treasury bills. Its small holdings of government debt are confined to the banknotes needed by the economy for currency in circulation…” (End of 1996 updated version’s excerpts.)
Interest rates and inflation

Thousands of years of sad experience with the concentration of wealth and debt slavery caused all the ancient books of wisdom — including the Bible and the Koran — to condemn the charging of immoderate rates of interest. The conventional wisdom, however, is that inflation is the greatest threat to the economy and must be restrained by raising interest rates. This flies in the face of the common-sense observation that rising prices (inflation) are caused by rising costs, and that interest rates are costs. So raising them will raise prices, not lower them.

“Also raised by this policy, of course, is the income of the money-lenders, which explains why they subscribe so fervently to the perverse doctrine that high interest rates are somehow anti-inflationary. Certainly the world’s bankers and other money-lenders have gained much from the nonsensical notion that, while giving workers a big raise is inflationary, giving money-lenders a big raise is not.

“Many economists rail against wage push, and it’s true that wages have risen by 2,700% over the past 50 years. But in the same period government tax revenue went up by 3,400%, and net interest by 26,000%! Yet, most of the economic textbooks that deplore rising wages don’t even mention the tax and interest pushes. And it is not because they are complex ideas — rather, they are simple and obvious — but because it would be so embarrassing for economists to admit they’ve made a boner of such magnitude: that their theory of monetary policy violates basic principles of scientific logic.

The Creation of Money

“One of the most pervasive myths about the government deficit is that governments which spend more than they receive in revenue must borrow the difference, thus increasing the public debt.

“In fact, a government can choose to create the needed additional money instead of borrowing it from the banks, the public, or foreigners.

“Business and the conservatives in politics and the media are horrified by the suggestion that the government exercise its right to create more money. They claim it would precipitate another ruinous bout of inflation.

“But money creation is money creation — whether by a private bank or the Bank of Canada. And a government in debt only to the government’s own bank is not really in debt at all. If it wants to go through the rigamarole of having the Treasury «borrow» from the central bank and later pay interest, that is a minor matter of bookkeeping. As long as the central bank’s profits are returned to the Treasury, the results are much the same as if the Treasury had created the money itself.

“There is no reason why the growth of Canada’s money supply (averaging about $22 billion annually in recent years) could not be more substantially created by the Bank of Canada. If that policy had been followed, the federal government would not have been obliged to add to its debts to pay interest on old debts. Instead, the Bank of Canada has produced barely 2% of the money added in recent years, while the chartered banks added the rest as they made loans to households, businesses, and all levels of government. At the very least, the Bank of Canada and the chartered banks should share the privilege of creating money on a 50-50 basis.

“Those who dismiss such a proposal as inflationary should be required to explain why it would be more inflationary for the government’s bank to create $11 billion and the private banks $11 billion, rather than the present practice of having the government’s bank create $0.7 billion and the private banks $21.3 billion!

“Clearly the current problem of the Canadian government’s deficit is not its absolute size, or its size relative to the GDP, but the insane way it is being financed. A return to the policies of the World War II era, when the Bank of Canada produced almost one-half of the new money at near-zero interest, would do wonders for the economy, while greatly shrinking the deficit… The first order of business for a post-Mulroney-era government must be to regain effective control of the Bank of Canada and make it the primary source of money creation.

“It is ludicrous for the government to put billions of dollars into circulation by borrowing from the private banks, when it can create the extra money it needs, virtually free.

“We have to keep in mind that our monetary economy only grows when the money supply grows. Under the present debt-driven system, the only way we can increase the money supply is by borrowing it into existence from the private banks, thereby increasing our indebtedness to them.

“It can’t be stressed too much that the private banks, unlike non-bank lenders, create the money they lend. They do not — as is so widely imagined, even by the bankers themselves — lend their depositors’ money. The amount of new money created by a bank loan, however, is only sufficient to pay back the principal. No money is created to pay the interest, except that which is paid to the holders of bank deposits. That’s why debts must continually grow faster and faster in order for each layer of additional debt and interest to be paid.

“If that strikes you as a very dumb and dangerous way to operate a monetary system, you’re right. Clearly it would be much safer and more sensible to have at least a large amount of the needed new money spent into circulation debt free by the federal government — or lent by it interest free to the junior levels of government which lack the power to create money. Reform of the monetary system is therefore the key to controlling the deficit and lowering the public debt.” (End of the three economists’ pamphlet.)

For more reading, and educating yourself view the links below, and also there are other articles. Look for Economic, or Financial on my search. As an introduction I have chosen a few articles as an important start. Please read to educate yourself on the possibilities of a debt-free Canada. And please share to friends on Facebook and Twitter.

Canada Action Party (part 1 of 3 parts)    https://pushinback.wordpress.com/2012/07/14/canadian-action-party-monetary-reform-1/

Saving Canada’s Medicare System:    https://pushinback.wordpress.com/2013/01/12/solution-to-save-public-medicare-use-the-bank-of-canada/

For a historic view of a small nation that created their own wealth and prospered from it:  https://pushinback.wordpress.com/2012/05/25/guernseys-monetary-experiment/

Posted in 1% / 99%, Economic / Financial / Bank of Canada | Tagged , , , , , | 7 Comments

There is a Heavy Cost to Ignorance

English: Signature of William Lyon Mackenzie King.

English: Signature of William Lyon Mackenzie King. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Before you read my post, I thought that I would drop a You Tube clip in here to make a point, that there is a heavy cost to ignorance. Before we can hope to take control of our nations we must collectively begin to think. Gullibility is the stuff of sheep, and the 1% will simply continue to drag us around by our noses until we do learn to think .

As you see, many have been trained to be mindless sheep. People get to that sad state when they leave their thinking to someone else to do for them. The brain is like a muscle, it has to be exercised to be strong and useful. Stupidity is a pitiful state.

There is a Heavy Cost to Ignorance

Previous to 1974 the Canadian Government got it’s money from the Bank of Canada, which was responsible for and was set up by William Lyon Mackenzie King, to create money for the operation of social and economic programs in Canada and also the Provinces. After 1974 governments in Canada stopped the practice of getting this money from the Bank of Canada and began the practice of borrowing money from private banks. It was Prime Minister Trudeau that made this treacherous change. Some may not understanding the difference, thinking that what does it matter where you get your money from as long as you have the money to operate the programs Canadians need. But the obvious point here is that if you create money for yourself there is no debt, you cannot owe yourself money. But if you borrow money from banks you will be in debt to them for both the money they create and for the interest they charge you. The invisible elephant in the room is, that bankers are happy to propagate and foist on governments and the people the lie that there is no alternative to our present system were 95% of Canada’s newly created money comes into circulation as a debt owed to private banks. Anyone that has ever borrowed money from a bank knows the feeling of the ball and chain of debt to a bank.

Canadians, because they were ignorant about politics, and economics did not even know the switch even happened, and the worst part is that the politicians of the time deliberately made the change that would set Canada on a course of indebtedness. This is the very course of events that has landed Greece, Spain, Ireland, Iceland, etc, etc, etc, in their financial disasters.

A banker will quickly argue that Greece and company got in the mess they are in through reckless spending and mismanagement of their economies. But consider this one crucial piece of information that they conveniently leave out, if every new dollar that is borrowed into your economy comes as a debt where do have to get the money to pay your debts. The answer is that you have to borrow more money which only piles onto your mountain of growing debt.

Stephan Harper will brag that Canada weathered the recession storm better than any other G-8 nation, but what Harper was not saying was that Canada is a resource based nation. Countries and corporations from all over the world come to Canada to buy our oil, copper, nickel, potash and on and on. When resources are sold to foreign nations or corporations they pay for these resources it is the foriegn companies that  have borrowed the money from banks. In other words the money that comes to Canada is debt-free money coming from buyers of our resources. It is this debt-free money that keeps the wheels of Canada’s economy rolling without getting into as deep a debt, as our America friends.

True, our debt, because of our resource based economy, has not been as dramatic as the Americans have experienced, but even a less dramatic slope to the bottom still will hit the bottom. The financial system the world is operating under does not work and is not sustainable. The crisis of Greece and friends is embodiment of this truth. The financial lemmings, that adhere to our present economic model, hurry and are bent to run over the same financial cliff. Why is the Canadian Government eager to follow the frenzied crowd of world money borrowers when Canada owns the Bank of Canada that can keep Canada out of debt? National bankruptcy is the cliff for anyone in the rushing crowd.

If Canada hadn’t begun the practice of borrowing from private banks Canada would not owe approx. $587 Billion. Quoting from my blog The Bank of Canada Must Finance Our Country ,“If the federal government were paying interest at the average levels that prevailed from the 1930s to the mid-1970s, it would now be running an operating surplus of about $13 billion!” In 2008 Canada paid $33Billion to just to service the debt the Federal Government accumulated and foisted on the Canadian people. That $33Billion came out of the pockets of every Canadian, whether you paid taxes, or bought something that you paid HST tax on. In other words that money was bled out of our economy, but it would not have if Canada had continued getting its debt-free money from the Bank of Canada. Now consider the amount you paid for income taxes last year, and consider that if our governments were not in debt then we would have very little taxes to pay. Remember that previous to 1974 the Canadian Governments (Federal and Provincial) payed for social programs as well as for infrastructure with Bank of Canada debt-free money.

What could you do with a majority of your taxes still in your pocket? Maybe you would have enough money to pay off your personal debts. Maybe you could live life without the every minute anxiety of the ball and chain of debt you have around your neck.

At the start of the 2008 recession, our political leaders made a suggestion as to what was the solution to get the economy up and going again? The answer was a cash infusion to kick-start the economy again (no, I don’t mean the $114 Billion the Canadian Government gave the bankers as a gift. That bailout only went into the bankers pockets as bonuses). What our leaders told citizens to do was to get out and shop to stimulate the economy.  Imagine, if the Bank of Canada again financed Canada’s economy, such that Canada got rid of their debt, you would have most of the money you that you pay in taxes still in your pocket. With all that excess money in their pockets Canadians would go out and shop and the Canadian economy would have had almost $33 Billion to stimulate the economy, year after year after year. Isn’t it time that you got informed and active to end this ignorance.

Isn’t Canada changing it’s economic system the real answer to Canada’s prosperity, not giving money to the banks and to bankers to stimulate the economy.
To accomplish this change we must vote for either political parties that understand the basic principles of the necessary economic change, and also, on a political level, because these parties are so small to make the major leap into governance, we must elect also independents as members of Parliament, and to our Legislatures. Independents will serve the wishes of their constituents. As written in another one of my blogs, we must stop voting for the Conservatives and the Liberals in Canada. These parties propagate the policies of the 1% and will always fleece the Canadian sheep on behave of their benefactors, the 1%. Which are the small parties that I suggest in electing? The Canada Action Party (http://actionparty-ne.ca/home/) federally, and the Social Credit Party in Alberta for Albertans (http://www.socialcredit.com/index.php).

Please pass this on to others, we cannot go on in ignorance forever.

jesus threw out the money lenders for a reason

Kindest regards

Posted in Alberta Politics, Canadian Action Party, Canadian Politics, Economic / Financial / Bank of Canada, Esencial Information for Democracy, Harper, Independants | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Is Your Representatives an Elitist or a Democrat? (5)

Essential Knowledge Needed to Grow a Democracy part 5

English: Ballot Box showing preferential voting

English: Ballot Box showing preferential voting (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Is Your Representatives an Elitist or a Democrat?

Of all of the encumbrances to Canadian democracy this has got to be the most problematic.  There are quite a few roadblocks to Canadians enjoying real democracy, all being systematic or philosophical problems. Elitism is one of those problems which is the the norm amid the people we elect to represent us.

An Elitist is someone that thinks that he/she is smarter, or better than everyone else. It is bad enough that there are Elitist in the world, but there is a jeopardy in the case of the people we are voting  for. We give our elected representatives substantial powers to represent our common interests, and our democracy. This will be the  person that will make the decisions for the constituencies, with or without consulting those they are supposed to represent you .  In my years in grassroots politics, I can’t tell you how many times I have been involved in a fight to stop a dump, or get a referendum  on the building of city hall, or to help stop Free Trade, and my so-called representative would say “I was elected to make decisions for my constituents”.  It doesn’t matter how it comes out, a former politician from Kitchener once told me that “by the British Parliamentary System, I was elected to make the decisions for the voters”.  While that is true in principle, in true representation there needs to be consultation with those you represent. A MPP told me that only she was equipped “make the hard decisions” for her constituents, because “I am the only one that knew all the information”.  When talking to her I was angry enough to challenge her on the point “and whose fault is that, to be a true representative of the people, are you not supposed to tell the people what is going on, so they can decide what should be done with any given issue”. She was angry at that point and she ended the conversation; not that it matters much, and when they do talk to their constituents  they often lie, or the information is so misrepresented that it doesn’t inform.

This is why it is vital to know who you are electing. By electing an elitist you are causing your Constituency a lack of Democracy, and with it a whole lot of trouble for those that are politically active.

Don’t stuck on the thought of the American Party when I speak of a Democrat.This is the definition from Webster Dictionary: The definition of a democrat is a member of the Democratic political party or someone who believes in equality for all people and ruling by the majority. So forget the member of the Am. political party; “someone who believes in the equality of all people and ruling of the majority”. Oxford dictionary says that a democrat is “an advocate or supporter of democracy.”

This is not a new debate. The American Founding Fathers, when framing a new form of government and Governance debated the issue of whether or not the public could be trusted with decision-making. The debate was over the issue of whether the People should be given the powers of Initiative, Referendum and Recall at the Federal level, as the People had at the State level, in many American States. My political hero Jefferson said:

I have so much confidence in the good sense of man, and his qualifications for self-government, that I am never afraid of the issue where reason is left free to exert her force. — Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Comte Diodati, 1789.

If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never
will be.
— Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Colonel Charles Yancey (6 January 1816)

So, Jefferson argued to give the People the powers of Direct Democracy, while the majority of the Founding Fathers were obviously Elitists, and Jefferson, Adams and others motion was voted down, thus there is no Referenda or Recall at the nation level (too bad).

In Canada, today, we suffer under the opposite assumption, that the people are not smart enough to make good decisions. Canada comes from the tradition of British Parliamentary Democracy and the model  style was seen from the very beginning, from the days of the Magna Carta. The lower royalty and the merchants of London ganged up on King John telling him that they needed a king, but not so much of one. And they insisted on putting some controls on him. The patern was set that power was held from above and any power that those from below would get would have to be clawed from them. The Parliament would go on to think of themselves as smarter than the peasants they ruled, an as such they would make the decisions for the people. The better option, for the people, would be to educate and elevate the people, and then give them decision-making. But, of course the objective of the Parliamentarians, the lower royalty, the rich businessmen, and the clergy was to control the masses, for their own particular gain.

Democrats believe that the People themselves are smart enough to make good decisions when given correct and complete information. As evidence, I note that the majority of citizens do have jobs, personal economies, and the majority of these conduct their own affairs successfully. And this is at the disadvantage of taxes, banks, insurance companies etc. etc. etc. milking them for all the money they can get from the People.

Democrats believe in consulting with those that they serve. If you want to see who a Democrat is, they are the members of legislatures, or Parliament, that are always in trouble with their parties because they will not vote along the party line, if the party in not in step with what their constituents believe. These are the representatives we would vote for time after time because the people of those constituencies know that that person represents them. If you think of it in this way, you could probably count Democrats on the fingers of one hand. Again I ask you to consider to yourself, is your representative an Elitist, or a Democrat?

The people that we elect are the ones that will determine if we have democracy by virtue of whether or not they consult with their constituents.  It shows how important it is to elect the right person to represent a riding.  The criteria of your vote should definitely not be by who is likely to win, not which party you like, or the one your dad votes for.  Rather, I believe that our decision to vote for someone should almost solely be made on this one thing, will that person represent you, or will that person represent their party when sitting in Parliament?

In the last 9 elections, both federal and provincial, I have only voted for one person.  I am not saying that I don’t go to the polls, I have only put my tick next to one man.  During all other elections I have either declined my ballot, or destroyed my ballot by writing on them.

I ask one simple, clear question to each candidate to determine if I will vote for him/her, that question is “if their is an issue in which your constituents believe one way, but your party believes differently, who will you align your vote with? – your constituents or your party.  If the person vying for your vote does not respond quickly, and clearly “I will represent my constituents” that person is not worth voting for.  That person will not represent you when acting as your representative, he or she will be just another party yesman in a sea of governing yesmen. If that person tries to give you qualifying examples, or if there is any hesitation in their answer it means that they are not philosophically Democrats and are not worthy of your vote.

If you are unsatisfied by our systems of government, and by the quality of the representatives whose bums warm the seats of our seats of government you need to look at the philosophy of those you vote for.  YOU are responsible for who you vote for.  Period.

What if no one answers  “I will represent my constituents”, then if you can, run for office yourself, but if you can’t run for office, in my opinion you have an obligation to decline your ballot. Or write your displeasure on your ballot.  5 times I have written the same thing on my ballot – “none of these people will represent me, rather, they will merely represent the parties to which they are affiliated”.

Your vote for someone, anyone, that is an Elitist is a vote for the system and the status quo.  For myself, I have seen us bang our collective heads against to same wall long enough.  It is time we tried something different, and if that means millions of people spoiling their ballots in protest so be it. You might think that your vote would be a wasted voted, remember it already  is a wasted vote if you are voting for a yesman (that person already doesn’t represent you). But if a million spoiled ballots made politicians sit up and take notice it,  might just be a beginning to a new way of politics – the peoples’ style of Democracy, where the people have a say between elections.  Now there’s a concept.

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Staying Warm in the Cold

The Weather Network says it is -20 right now, but feels like it is – 28. That is cccccoooollllllddd.

I’ll always pass on tips that are helpful, on the survival side of life.

Here is a trick I learned as a boy. I came from a poor family so sometimes we didn’t have the best of footwear. I had boots with holes in them. So when there was slush from salt, my socks would get wet and my feet would get cold. So, as kids we would put our feet into bread bags to keep our feet dry. But there was an unexpected result. The bread bags actually kept our feet warmer itself.

So there is a cheap way to keep your feet warmer. You might not be able to fit a 3rd pair of socks on, but you can get a plastic bag to fit over the second pair in your boot.

Likely everyone knows, layers, layers, layers is the rule. But a layer with air pockets is better than a layer of a flat shirt. The tight layer on the outside will trap the warmth in the pockets.

That is what house insulation is about, layers and layers of air being trapped. Insulation is measured with an R value, which R is short for resistance to loss. That is a loss of heat or cold. That is why layers matter, trapping layers of air.

Cold is primarily lost through the back of your neck and from you chest and stomach. These are the place vulnerable to heat loss. At the back of you neck the blood is near the surface as your body supplies your vital brain with lots of blood. Wear a scarf in extreme cold. I wear a scarf that wraps my neck and is spread across my chest and stomach for another layer of insulation. If you were caught off guard in the forest the tips of pine or cedar will help you with more insulation. Open your coat, put the branches in place and zip it up. You could use newspaper to the same effect.

Make sure you have something insulating on your head, preferably a hood of a jacket.

For men, don’t put lumpy objects in the upper inside pockets of your jacket. The cold could make your nipples go erect which could cause them to rub on your shirt that is being pressed against it, causing an irritation. With an already difficult situation, you can avoid an added discomfort. Women will usually be wearing a bra that will prevent the situation.

When it is cold, you see your breath every time you exhale. That is heat with moisture escaping from you. A scarf across your face will work like a heat exchanger where not all your breath and all the heat is being lost. This is not to say that if one layer is good so 10 is perfect. We still need an exchange of oxygen. One layer, or two across your face is best.

Wool is warmer than cotton, but it is itchy, so a wool blend might be the trick. Or you can put a layer of cotton below the wool. Cotton is good to wick sweat away from the body anyways.   Down is better than feather, but neither is good when they get wet. That is when wool is the best, in wet conditions. In wet, down goes flat. See the part on insulation and air pockets.

One piece outfits are superior to 2 piece because your body heat is shared around your core. One piece outfits don’t have to be tight at the waist to pinch in the warmth.

Make sure you have had a sufficient amount of water, you need your body to transport blood freely around your body.

Make sure you have enough calories in your diet. Fasting on cold days will make you colder.

Hot, spicy food will help you stay warm. Cayenne pepper makes your heart pump harder and moves blood to your extremities to get the excess heat away from the core. Doesn’t you face get red and your body hot when you eat s very hot pepper? I have read that Cayenne in your socks will keep your feet warmer. I have never tried it because I have also gotten Cayenne my eye. A big Ouch. When removing your socks you have to control that the Cayenne doesn’t get all over. You don’t want it in your eye.

Make sure you don’t sweat. If you were in the forest and you sweat you could be in trouble. Sweat will make your body temperature plummet. So when wearing your layers make sure the outer layers unbutton. As you start over heating open your coat at the front. If you are walking your body is working and you produce your own heat, so you may need to open your coat and maybe the outer layer to keep comfortable.

And heaven forbid that you are hiking miles from the City and you step on ice and break through. If deep, immediately you have to ignore the cold to keep your senses and swim for where you broke through. I only broke through ice to my chest, but I realize how disorienting it is. It is very very shocking. You have to keep your wits about you. When I broke through to my chest, I was 10. I immediately put my arms out to stop me from going deeper. The air was – 25 degrees, and I was near the back of our 75 acre parcel of land. There were drifts to my chest to deal with on the return home. But thankfully my instincts kicked in and I rolled in the snow. That is what likely saved my life. You see, snow is an insulator. If you are in a snow cave the temperature will not be far from freezing point, subtract heat loss though the opening. So when I rolled in the snow, the snow stuck to the water on my clothes, so my body only had to deal with freezing point and not – 25 degrees of the air.

If you were hiking and a blizzard came up unexpectedly dig into a snow drift. In avalanches people die from suffocation, and not so much by exposure.

I have been out in blizzards and you have to know what direction you are from where you need to go. The forest from my boyhood farm was to the north of the farmhouse, so if caught in a blizzard I would follow the direction shown to me by the moss on the trees. Moss grows thickest on the North side of the trees, so needing to go south I would keep an eye that I was always walking in the direction of the thickest moss. That is going south.

I’m not sure if there is anything I’ve forgotten. Others will also have good suggestions. I encourage anyone to add to this information.

Remember, don’t dare panic. You have to keep your wits about you, your life might depend upon it. I took my 3 oldest children up info the mountains of Alberta when they were from 4 to 8 years. A snow storm came up suddenly, it was May, but that is May in the mountains. That forced us to hunker down up there. You don’t come down a mountain that is icy. We were up there until conditions improved 3 days later. To panic would have been life threatening.

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Winter Wellness Workshop








Winter Wellness Workshop

I will begin with the understanding, that the things I say are from my experience, or from what I would do, and what I believe about health. I add that disclaimer because everyone’s body is different, and what I say works for me may not work for you. For example. I drink herb teas daily. Some of you may have an allergy to some of the herbs I use, therefore, for me to say do this, and you do it and have a allergic reaction, I will have done you a very big disservice.

I am also not wanting to take away from you learning about the workings of you body; that is you beautiful journey. We are born into this life and the experiment begins.

I also believe that if you have serious illnesses you should see a medical practitioner to help you figure out your problem. You are not where I am, where I have been taking care of my own health since I was 12 without the assistance of medical help.

What I will be concentrating on is for you to be well and not need to have medical assistance for your health. But in the end, I say that everyone should be their own best doctor. I believe that practitioners should be viewed as helps, and not gods.

So, let’s get this out of the way. Herbs are sometimes powerful for medicine. You must use wisdom and skill in using herbs so you don’t have problems. This is a caution, and not to create fear. I help people with their many questions. Usually reactions are limited to mild headaches, dizziness, rashes and such. To have more dramatic reactions it usually requires you taking something over a period of time and you ignoring the reaction you are having. It requires that you aren’t being observant about your own care. Don’t do that. Don’t treat yourself if you don’t remain mindful of how you are feeling.

Conclusion to the Story of Why I Came to Herbs as a Boy What I learned when I was 12 was when the doctor couldn’t find the cure for my Ringworm 1. I couldn’t leave my health in the hands of someone else, and 2. I learned that herbs could cure me of illness. The other thing I learned that I didn’t realize back then was I learned to be observant about my body, what it was saying to me, and to be observant about my environment.

The reason that I tell my story is because I am speaking to many of ideas that are quite foreign to most people. In the past herbs and Herbalists, were suppressed by medical associations.

I am also speaking to many who are Novices. Many of you might feel that I am speaking of a mystical place or land where the rules are all changed. Me telling my story gives you a bridge on which you can build faith to cross to the understanding of herbs. By you crossing this bridge of belief, you will be able to build your own bridge. If and when you try herbs and prove to yourself that herbs work, you will build your own bridge, and your own faith to believe in herbs as a power to heal will grow.

I can tell you a simple remedy for you to try and build your faith on. When you see that it works for you, you will enter the land of the forgotten knowledge. In the spring you will get mosquito bites. Try this. When you get a bite, get a Plantain leaf and chew a little piece and put it on the bite for about 10 mins and you will see that herbs work. Me eating grass as a 12 year old boy, to heal myself of Ringworm, when the Doctor couldn’t heal me was my bridge to the world of using weeds for medicine.

When I do workshops and I see Stinging Nettle I get excited. I will walk over to the Stinging Nettle and do a demonstration that proves that herbs work as medicine. I will rub my bare arm across the Stinging Nettle which causes welts to be produced on my arm. In the demonstration I explain a truth that if you have a toxin, the remedy for your healing will be within 10 ft of the toxin. A remedy is always that close to a problem. I will look around and there will be Plantain, Burdock, Jewel Weed, or Yellow Dock within 10 ft to fix my problem. I will chew part of a leaf and with lots of spit on the leaf, I will rub it on my arm. Within 2 minutes I will barely feel the effects of the stinging. I usually pick Plantain because it is softer to chew, it is almost always around and it is very effective.

Of this other world that I speak of, I say: Foragers see the world differently that everyone else. While other people walk around stepping on weeds, and they see trees, and shrubs, flowers and grass, a forager sees food and medicine.

The basis of your health is Nutrition – US Senate Report

US Senate Report

When do you think this report came out in? Some say the 1960’s, some think as far back as the 1950’s. The answer is that the report came out in 1936. And with the state of our World’s farming practices, farmers are still not putting nutrients back into the soil. They are only selling crops and not putting anything back into the soil. The chemical companies have farmers believing that selling wheat, corn or whatever is enough. There is no consideration of whether or not the food is healthy for those consuming it. There is the farm to save.

My observation and belief is that our bodies are created to heal themselves. If we give our bodies all the nutrients that they need, our bodies will heal themselves to the optimum of our DNA capacity. Some are unfortunate to have DNA with diseases as part of your make up. My hope is that in teaching you about nutrition and the way your body functions, I will help you to get closer to your healthiest within the bounds of your DNA makeup. Part of my family makeup is a weakness in the lungs, and from my father, I could have a problem with cholesterol in the arteries and prostate problems. Because I looked at my family background, I could decide that I don’t want these ailments to touch my life, so I have made life choices that have skirted the families weaknesses. Dad didn’t learn the lessons of herbs or of good health. For example, by the time my father was 55 he had a triple bypass to clean out his arteries. Seeing what he went through I’ve decided that I have no interest in a surgeon cutting me, so I use Olive Oil for oil, I eat lots of Oatmeal, get lots of roughage in my diet, apples are especially good for you and vegetables, lots of bran in a bran cereal. This is how I have decided not to follow my father’s footsteps in health.

If we look at the statement by the Senate Report and that you “Will get sick without minerals”, and assume the simple conclusion of merely eating nutritious food to get you healthy, in my estimation that would be a little off. I believe that even if you ate healthy food and supplements, you might still be sick. What if you begin with clogged bowels? Absorption of nutrition is the important thing as well as getting nutrition. To get an immediate start toward good health you should consider a good bowel cleanse.

Some people have been eating things that are not good for them for years, and their bowels are clogged with a thick layer of mucous that make absorbing nutrients almost impossible; we need a good cleansing.

In preparing for this Workshop I found a good article by a doctor on the situation.

“The mucus coats the villi on the wall of the small intestine. The villi are like tiny fingers that stick out from the intestinal wall to absorb nutrients from the digested food, which is primarily liquid. The mucus on the villi blocks the absorption of nutrients from the food. Sometimes the mucus gets so thick and tough it is almost like a plastic film. Almost no nutrition can get through to the body. A person with a severe mucus buildup could take $1,000.00 worth of supplements a month along with a good diet and still get almost no nutritional value from them. He or she would be starving and therefore would want to eat more food including protein. That would lead to more of the pancreatic enzymes being used to digest the protein even though it could not be properly absorbed. When all the pancreatic enzymes are used up, there are none left in the blood to destroy cancer cells.

The article is found at:     http://www.whale.to/a/intestine.html

He then went on to prescribe a drug and that is where we part ways.

There we have it, with the bowels clean, and with our food deficient, how are we to get our nutrition? If you are constantly bunged up you may still be sick if your body isn’t absorbing the good nutrients that your body is needing.

To start the healing process it is best to do a cleanse in your bowels and also your blood. And then you have to get enough roughage to continue getting the roughage to maintain your healthy intestinal tract.

What Goes in Must Come Out

For a good bowel cleanse strictly for the intestinal tract you can try Cascara Sagrada. This herb causes water to accumulate in the intestines and thus making your stool soft and flowing. Loose as a goose comes to mind. You are best to use Cascara Sagrada about half an hour before bed and take it as a tea, or as a supplement with a hot cup of water, as hot as is comfortable to take. This will maximize the effect. A capsule is safe to take, if you have never used it before. If 1 capsule isn’t enough of a moving experience, you could try 2 capsules another time. Again with hot water before bed. You might hear of another herb, Senna, for the same purpose, but I would advise against it. Senna may cause you a lot of cramps.

For a deep cleanse you can use a combination of herbs, Chaparral, Dandelion Root, and Red Clover Blossoms. That works on both cleaning the bowel, and also the blood. If you wanted to do a good  blood cleanse, you could also add Yellow Dock root and Burdock root. It is interesting to note that both Chaparral and Red Clover Blossoms have been studied for the use of Cancer.

Prune juice is an old favourite, and Metamucil comes from the seeds of the ever present Plantain weed. Plantain is the weed that I am constantly raving about, a weed which I tell everyone that they should get to know about.

Flax Seed has properties of helping you to eliminate, as well as having Essential Fatty Acids as a bonus. Flax, with its roughage, forms a jell that will go through your intestine like a plug, dragging the old food out and from the intestinal lining.

Bran is good for roughage. You can think of the insoluble bran flakes as thousands of little bulldozers cleaning the sides of your intestines. Some must drive upside down.

Chlorophyll is good for a constant cleansing. Chlorophyll is what makes your vegetables green, so continue to maintain good bowel and blood cleanliness by eating green leafy vegetable. If you lived by the principle of eating your medicine, you should eat lots of vegetables.

After The Cleanse

Good and as healthy food as possible, preferable grown by you, should be your first line of defense for good health. In growing your own food, you breathe in gasses given off of the soil, chemicals that are the precursors of melatonin (the happiness hormone).

Herbs that are good for nutrition are Alfalfa, and Dandelion, but Alfalfa is king. Kelp is another good supplement for giving you your minerals. Some might have a problem with Kelp so use it with caution.  In the back of my book Herbally Yours you will find that Alfalfa has all but a couple of minerals in it. That is because the roots of Alfalfa goes down 10 to 14 ft in the ground picking up minerals from deep in the soil. You will notice that the mineral rich Dandelion also has a deep root. Another beneficial supplement is Kelp. It picks up minerals that float freely in the ocean.

I think that it is a good idea to drink a tea of Alfalfa, Peppermint Horsetail, and Chamomile. Alfalfa will give you your minerals and help you digest your food, Peppermint will help you digest your food, Horsetail will help you assimilate your Calcium, Calcium is a very important mineral,  and Chamomile would help you feel calm in your life.

Often people take herbs for different ailments. While food is your best medicine, herbs can be used to get a person back on track. Many people will think of herbs as medicine, ie thinking of the Pharmaceutical properties, but herbs are more. Herbs contain large concentrations of minerals and herbs work because it is the concentration of minerals that give the body the nutrients to restore it to health. Remember, if you do not have the minerals you will get sick.

If a person isn’t dangerously, or bothersomely sick, if you are not confident in prescribing herbs for yourself, you can take Alfalfa, Dandelion Leaves, and/or Kelp to slowly, but surely feed yourself the nutrients that your body will absorb and restore your good health. That is my thinking, my gut feeling, so take it for what it is worth. It will be a slower, more natural way to restore yourself to health.

Dealing with Mucous

After cleaning out your bowels, I think that the next biggest preventative thing that you need to be concerned with for your health is monitoring the Mucous level in your body. Mucous is a necessary part of your human health, it separates organs from each other, and bacteria from our parts, but an over abundance of Mucous becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. With a combination of too much mucous, not enough nutrients and your body defenses being down, you will get sick. When you notice that you are getting to mucousy you have to bring down the mucous level to prevent illness. Did you know that often times, it is mucous that causes a sore throat? Mucous will build up at the back of the nasal cavity and if a bad bacteria comes along, the mucous will be the perfect breeding ground for a sore throat to develop. If you have bacteria in your nose it is better to blow your nose that it is to huck it up, so it doesn’t pass your throat. You will know that you have bacteria when your mucous becomes green.

When you first notice that you are getting an excess Mucous (a runny nose, clearing your throat, tightness in chest etc.) it may be a sign that your body’s defenses are down, so you should reduce the foods that create Mucous in your body. These foods are the building blocks of Mucous – white sugar, white wheat flour and milk products. You can remember them by thinking that they are all white. If you do become sick before you clear yourself of mucous, the longer you continue eating these food the longer you will be sick because you will be continuing the breeding ground of mucous.

Mucous in General: The main herbs to clear mucous are Fenugreek, Slippery Elm and Thyme (the culinary herb). You may also use Sage in your cooking.

Lungs: In my case, the mucous will present itself in the lungs, so I have always used Fenugreek (mainly) Mullein, and Marshmallow Root in a tea. If you have other herbs you could include Burdock for cleaning your blood, Red Raspberry, Rose Hips, and Plantain. Some of these herbs are for clearing mucous, some are to repair tissues infected (if over a period of time). Again, you can use Sage and/or Thyme in your cooking.

Sinuses: Fenugreek (mainly), and you can take Ginger, Fennel, Mullen. Rose Hips can be used for clearing your sinuses, which adds the bonus of being especially high in Vit. C.

When expelling mucous from your nose it is better to blow your nose rather than hucking it out through your mouth. There is less chance of getting a sore throat when the mucous touches your throat.

Green mucous in your sinuses indicate the presence of a bacterial infection.

Mucous in the Throat: The main herb I use with a sore throat is Licorice. Bayberry, Chlorophyll are also good. Cayenne is good to swallow. You might want to consume it in hot spicy food. It is not as hard on the stomach that way. I have been known to get a tall glass of tomato juice, and I throw at least a tablespoon of Cayenne in, stirred it up and drink it down. You might want to experiment with how much Cayenne you use, depending on how strong a stomach you have, and how your body handles an acid system. You can take Alfalfa tablets, and perhaps a Calcium supplement to help reduce your acid level.

Comfrey: In all this, some books may suggestion to use Comfrey for several of these. I strongly caution people about the use of Comfrey for extended use, as it can cause liver damage. Herbs have to be used with skill, prudence and with moderation.

Cayenne is a good herb to use in association with most treatment. Do not use with acidic problems. Cayenne is a catalyst, and as such it speeds up all reactions. It will also cause the heart to strengthen, and also pump faster to get the nutrients out to your body quicker. You will note that when you eat hot spicy food that your face will get red. That is the heart pumping heat away from your core, to cool it, thus the heat is moved to your face and limbs. In the winter I will use more Cayenne on colder days to help keep me warmer.

Garlic can be used at all times as a prevention of illness. Garlic is a natural Antibiotic and will kill bacteria, viruses (colds), and Fungus infections. It is unlike chemical Antibiotics, in that it will not disturb your body’s natural flora. You can read more about Garlic where I speak of Strep Throat. You can minimize the smell of Garlic by drinking lots of water when you are taking it, and also you can chew on a sprig of parsley after eating the Garlic. Parsley has a lot of Chlorophyll in it (the reason for the dark green colour). Chlorophyll is the ingredient in Clorets that kills bad breath odours.

Other Winter Ailments:

Bronchitis, Pneumonia etc.: To start, these will be dealt with in the same manor as to remove the mucous. When the mucous is gone, clearing the lungs and bronchial tubes of infection is much simpler. (See Mucous – Lungs)

What I do is:
1. I automatically remove white sugar, white flour, and milk products from my diet.
2. I will begin drinking a tea of Fenugreek, Mullein, and Marshmallow root. 4 to 6 cups the first day. 4 cups the following day if the condition persists.
3. I start taking Garlic for an Antibiotic, 4 cloves a day, for at least a day after I think that I have licked it.
4. I begin taking Cayenne in large amounts, more than a teaspoon in tomato juice. I do that 2 times a days. Cayenne raises the core temperature, which like an artificial fever. I will speak to fevers further along.
Use Cayenne in tomato juice, and on an empty stomach when you want it to get into your system faster. If you want it to go into your system slower, put the Cayenne into your food where it will be absorbed slowly throughout a few hours – it works like time released that way.

Strep Throat:

One winter I got Strep Throat. It was to the point that I could hardly swallow, so I had to deal with more aggressive than I would a regular Sore Throat. I ate 2 bulbs of Garlic in 2 days ( it was the loneliest 2 days of my life). I ate one bulb the first and the other the second day. That is at a rate of 1 cove every hour to hour and a half. But inasmuch as it was Strep Throat I consumed them differently than I would a regular Sore Throat. With a regular Sore Throat I simple drank 2 glasses of water, put a little water in my mouth and then a clove of Garlic; I chewed the Garlic and swallowed.

With the Strep Throat, I also drank the 2 glasses of water, I sipped some water, chewed the Garlic, but rather than swallowing the whole mixture, I swallowed the liquid, and then I swallowed the Garlic so it would pass over the throat tissues. By the end of the first day I could swallow comfortably again, but I took the second bulb the next day to make sure I had killed all the germs. This is why I comfortably say that Garlic doesn’t interfere with your body’s flora.

If you have a stomach that will not tolerate the strength of the Garlic on your stomach, cut up a clove of Garlic and put it in a glass of water for a couple of hours and then you can drink it. This will make it not so hard on the stomach. There will be no Garlic sitting immediately on your stomach.

You can also eat Papayas. Papayas have a similar compound that is in stomach acid and while eating it, it will digest the dead tissues of the throat as it travels to your stomach.

Colds Vs. Flu (both are Virus ailments, making their symptoms somewhat similar)

What are the symptoms of the flu versus the symptoms of a cold? Found in article http://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/qa/coldflu.htm

In general, the flu is worse than the common cold, and symptoms such as fever, body aches, extreme tiredness, and dry cough are more common and intense. Colds are usually milder than the flu. People with colds are more likely to have a runny or stuffy nose. Colds generally do not result in serious health problems, such as pneumonia, bacterial infections, or hospitalizations.


Ginger is good for your stomach, it will neutralize acids and aid digestion. Peppermint is also good for your digestion, and also for fever, headaches, pain and it is also an Expectorant. Red Raspberry and Yarrow are 2 other better herbs to take. Secondary herbs that grow in the area would be Alfalfa, Catnip Dandelion (the root), Red Clover, Rose Hips (likely for the Vit. C and for a fever), Slippery Elm is good for Diarrhea , lungs and mucous. Yellow Dock root is a good blood purifier and cleans out some of your organs. Take these in a tea form. Teas (Infusions) will hit your blood stream almost immediately, much faster than ingesting them in a tablet or capsule which then have to be broken down in the less effective digestive system.

If you can hold down food add Sage, Thyme and Cinnamon to your meals. Studies are being conducted to see if Cinnamon actually kills germs.
Vitamins A, C and E are important, as is Calcium.

Remember to add Garlic and Cayenne to your treatment.

Colds: Colds really respond well to a combination of  Cayenne, Garlic, Fenugreek, and Rose Hips.
Secondary herbs could be Chamomile, Catnip, Ginger, Licorice for congestion in the throat, Peppermint, Red Raspberry, and Yarrow.

Vitamins A, B, C and E and Calcium

Ear Infection

If you get an ear infection, get a small bottle and partly fill it with Olive Oil. Cut up a clove of Garlic and put it into the oil. Leave stand for at least for an hour. You can warm the oil and tilting your head,  put some in your ear with an eyedropper.
The warm is soothing and will usually  remove the pain quickly and the natural antibiotic property will kill the infection. Put some Kleenex in your ear to both keep your ear warm, but also to keep the oil from dripping on your clothes.

Good Habits for Good Health

I will add what I do as good habits to keep me without illnesses. I do these things in the knowledge that I am less likely to get sick, and if I do, because my body is already in good condition, that it will take less for me to throw off the attack of an illness.

–  I drink a glass of water before I go to bed and again when I first get up. I think that I get a good flush of my liver and kidneys before my stomach gets food in it. Some will prefer either Distilled or RO water. Also hydration is important
–  Reduce the amount of meat you consume if you eat a lot of meat. A naturopath I heard speak, said that your body can only process a small paddy of meat at a time. If you eat too much meat your body will not be able to produce enough Hydrochloride Acid to break down the protein, the remainder will go rancid in your gut. Your intestines are warm and moist. It is a great place for toxins to grow. These toxins will get absorbed into your bloodstream via the intestines. Ask yourself would you eat meat that sat out on the table for a day or more? If you think about the toxins that would grow being left out, it is worst in the warmth and the moisture of your gut.
-Regarding eating meat, I eat most of my meat at the beginning of the meal so that the meat hits my stomach on its own, and then my vegetables. That way the Hydrochloric Acid can break the meat down before the potatoes get piled on and absorb the acid, leaving the protein undigested.
–  Get good yogurt into you. I eat half a tub of yogurt usually 2 times a week. This is unsweetened yogurt. I add unsweetened pineapple or a mixture of fruit to the yogurt. Also, when I am eating oatmeal, I put a tablespoon of yogurt into my oatmeal when it is just warm, and I let it stand for a few hours before I eat it. It is my feeling that the oatmeal becomes a base for the probiotics to grow. I started this practice after I found out that chick peas was the medium for growing probiotics, that are sold in health food stores. Yogurt can also be added to rice or bean meals.

How to Use Herbs

People do not consider that herbs can be powerful in their effects on you, particularly if you have an allergy, or an adverse reaction to a herb. You have to use herbs in both wisdom (understanding what the herb does) and moderation. If you overuse a medicinal herb you can develop an allergy to it, or a buildup can cause you problems. An example that can be sited is for Comfrey. Comfrey is a wonderful herb that is powerful in healing many ailments, 50 and counting. I personally only take Comfrey for knitting my bones for breaks.

When you try an herb for the first time you will not know if you are allergic. If you are using Chemical Drugs you would be wise to consult with a Pharmacist for harmful interactions with that herb. Pharmacists are more knowledgeable than doctors about this. Or find a reputable site on the Internet.

Use the herb once and don’t use if again for a couple of days. Try this again in a couple of days. If you experience a side effect like a rash, dizziness, confusion, head ache, or anything different than usual, stop using the herb.

If you are using more than one new herb that is new, you should take the time to use this process. Or simply pick another herb that will do the same thing, but one that you have used.

When using herbs for your health, I suggest using herbs that are from your direct area. The principle is that the herbs that grow in your immediate area are living in the same environment, the same climate as you, so they will respond to that same climate by producing the best chemistry to adapt to that environment. That is why I strongly hope that everyone will come out for foraging workshops, to collect the herbs that are needed by you. You assess the illnesses of yourself, and your family and then gather the herbs necessary to combat those ailments.

Are Whole Herbs Superior to Processed Supplements?
It is my opinion that herbs picked are superior to supplements that have been processed. If herbs are merely ground and put into a capsule and , that is one thing, but if an herb has been processed to get certain constituents derived from the herb. In separating componenets from the herb, you eliminate the chemicals that allowed / caused the plant from uptaking some of the pharmisuticals that will help you to absorb the herb. Whereas, when you take a herb only ground, all the elements are there to help your body to absorb it into your body.

I will go one step farther to say that if you collect your own herbs it is superior to buying the herbs from the store. When you buy herbs from the store, even from bulk, the herbs will either be in a ground form, or broken down into very small pieces. When I show you to collect them from the forest or the field, I will teach you to keep the herb in as big pieces as possible, and on their stems as well. Keeping the herb as whole as possible will keep more of the minerals and the Pharmaceuticals in the plant than if it is stored ground or in small pieces.

When storing herbs keep them in dark bottles, or at least out of the light to keep them from breaking down as quickly.

How to Make a Tea With Different Components

Some people are new to making herbal teas, so I’ll tell you how I make my teas. I begin with the thicker components of the teas. I will start brewing my tea with roots in the pot and bring it up to the start of a boil, and then turn the burner to low. Try to keep at the almost boil for a total of 20 mins, at which time I turn the burner off and let it continue to steep. If I am adding a seed like Fenugreek or Fennel I will add it at the same time as the root. At about the 15 minute mark from the beginning of the process I will add leaf herbs to simmer for the last 5 minutes or so. This is where the burner is turned off.

If you are making a tea strictly of leaves you can merely brew the tea in a teapot. Many people have other ways of brewing your tea. Learn several methods and you will begin to enjoy your own way of brewing a cup.

Approaches to Healing

Our modern medical system seems bent on Silver Bullets, they look to find the drug that solves the problem of fixing the disease with one pill. The idea of the one drug is more a sale gimmick to make money. At the truth side of the story, bodies don’t work that way. During any ailment many systems are being effected which have to be addressed.

When dealing with herbs and my body, I prefer the Shotgun approach to the Silver Bullet . I take a number of herbs to deal with an ailment.

You can think of herbs as super food. We eat food for nutrition, but if we are lax, or with a change in weather, or stress hits us a little harder than normal, we are caught sideways; everyone can get sick. So herbs are like super foods because they have minerals in high degrees that will address illnesses. Herbs also contain Pharmaceuticals that give the body the organic chemicals that the body normally run on, but it gives it more directly, so the body doesn’t have to go through the process of creating them.

Getting back to the Shotgun, I take a number of herbs rather than a single one. Different herbs feeds different parts of the body, and the nutrition that those parts needs as far as fixing the organ. A herb may also provide the organ with the chemicals it hasn’t produced that may have  caused the ailment in the first place.

Because the body is designed to heal itself, with a clean intestinal tract, your body will take the nutrients, and the Pharmaceuticals that your body needs, to heal itself. In many ways your body is smarter than you are, it knows what it needs. That is why I have come to the conclusion that the body was created to heal itself.

The Shotgun is Safer than the Silver Bullet

When taking herbs, there may be some that you are allergic to, that it is also safer to take multiple herbs. If you take one herb and you are allergic to it, you have a problem. But if you take a remedy with 4 or more herbs in it, it will be only a fraction of the percent of the herbs you are taking.

Be Observant

Be vigilant in observing your body and how it is functioning. If you are observant and notice a symptom of something coming on (stuffiness, cloudiness of thinking, a tickle in the throat, the start of runniness in your nose, the slight tightness in your chest), you can catch the illness just at the onset. It is better to catch an illness when there are a million bacteria attacking you before they become a billion. A million bacteria can be killed quite quickly, and there is the aspect that your body doesn’t have the added problem of repairing the tissues the bacteria has damaged.

Mechanical Aspects of Eating that Help Your Health

Chew your food well. The smaller pieces will digest faster, so you will derive more goodness from your food than if you don’t chew well. Have you ever seen a person that woofs down their food. They usually have bad gas, which is caused by poor digestion. Chewing more does 2 other things, it will put more saliva into your food. Saliva is an important part of digestion. It is the starting process of breaking down your food. The second point is it takes about 40 minutes for your body to realize that you have eaten enough. Also, chewing created the sensation of being satisfied.

There is a reason that the French are not as heavy as the Western World norm. The French emphases eating good food, slowly, while chatting, and also they have traded the concept of eating until you are full to eating until you are satisfied. That is many calories before being full.

Knowing Your Body to Help Healing

We as a society have gotten so far from instinctively understanding our bodies functions that most people get in the way of the body as it tries to heal itself. It is like there are 2 you’s, there is your brain fighting what the body is trying to accomplish. As a society we try to avoid the unpleasantness of what the body is doing when we are sick. We don’t like runny noses, or throwing up, or diarrhea. When any of those things happen we do what we can to stop it. But each of these things are mechanisms our body employs to purge out impurities. You are taught to immediately bring down a fever as soon as you get one. I’m not being critical here, I’m only making an observation. Perhaps it is the best thing to do for anyone that doesn’t understand how we function, but as you learn how your body functions, you will learn new tools for healing yourself quicker. Perhaps this is a better understanding to have, don’t stop a fever, control it. If you have a fever, or especially if a baby or child has a fever it is much more a dangerous situation, but in yourself, if you get a fever, instead of taking a couple of aspirin to eliminate the fever, start by taking half of what you would normally take. Bring down a dangerous fever to a lower fever, and then monitor the fever closely.

A fever is the body’s way of raising the body temperature to a point that it will kill bacteria. Bacteria is killed by heat. So if you raise your temperature to a mild fever you will be out of the danger zone, but you will still kill germs. If you stop the fever all together you will lose the healing power of a fever.

Once, when I was on top of a mountain in Alberta, with my children, there was a freak snowstorm in May. One got my coat, my sleeping bag went on them to keep the 3 warm in the night, and I came back with a fever. When I got back and the kids were taken care of, I poured a tall glass of tomato juice in a cup; I mixed a tablespoon of Cayenne into it and drank it. I ate 2 cloves of Garlic, wrapped an feather sleeping bag around me and went to bed. I woke up 2 hours later with the fever having been broken, and feeling much better. For someone that knows their body and how it works, a fever can be a tool to good health. Do not do this if you don’t have many years of experience in healing yours.

Incidently, you can get an aspirin to kick in faster if you put it under the tongue as opposed to swallowing it. Put it under the tongue for a minute before you swallow it. If you look under your tongue you will see blood vessels. The chemicals in an aspirin will absorb into the veins in the tongue and get into your blood stream without having to go through your stomach. If you have food in your stomach it will take some time for the chemicals to touch your stomach wall and be absorbed. Putting your medicine under the tongue is part of the practice of Homeopathy, and also ingesting tinctures. You can purchase White Willow Bark to do the same as the aspirin. White Willow Bark is where Aspirins originated from.

Diarrhea is a way the body gets toxins out of your body quickly. Remember that there is only so much in there before you are empty. When you have diarrhea drink plenty of liquids. Runny noses clean out Mucous, as does throwing up. Green mucous in your nose is a sign of a bacterial infection. My Mom made this point when I was a young father. My son had a flu and he threw up on my Mom’s rug. I was concerned about the vomit on her rug, but when it happened Mom said “Good, he got that out”. My Mom taught me the lesson of working with your body to control disease.

Garlic as a Natural Antibiotic

Some will dispute about Garlic killing a virus but I used Garlic to heal colds. Garlic will also treat fungus problems. The fact that Garlic has been instrumental in stopping my Colds and my Flu attest to the fact that Garlic works to kill viruses.

To me, Garlic is the champion antibiotic. Man’s antibiotics might be foiled by bacteria mutating, but Garlic has been around for thousands of years, but bacteria has never mutated around it.

If you have been sick and have taken an Antibiotic, get yourself a good Probiotic to replenish your flora. The way that doctor’s antibiotics work is that it causes all the bacteria in your body to absorb  water, causing their cell walls to rupture. That means good bacteria as well as the bad. So inasmuch as your body needs your good gut bacteria, you need to replenish it.  I would also suggest that you eat a lot of chick peas for a few days after you consume the Probiotic.

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil is a powerful cure that needs consideration. It is an antiseptic that has been known to kill even Ecoli in an emergency. I hear a mother tell of her son, having drunk the water in Walkerton, and he was near death. She heard of a man speaking about Oregano Oil, and went to speak to him. With a long story short, she gave some Oregano Oil to her son and in a couple of days he was up and running around with his friends.

I would add, that inasmuch as Oregano Oil is and antiseptic, it kills all bacteria and your body’s good flora. It is much like Modern Antibiotics in this way.

A Coffee Scrub

A final item that I will add is that the Winter is awfully drying on your hands. I would suggest that periodically you get some coffee grinds and scrub your hands with it. The exfoliate will rub off the dead outer skin leaving you with very soft skin. Enjoy your softer skin ladies.

I hope that you have benefited from this written copy of my Winter Wellness Workshop. Please, if you have any questions please message me through FB. If I have made any errors, again, please contact me so I can make adjustments to the notes.

I hope that my Winter Wellness Workshop notes were useful for you. If you would like to get in touch with me you can do so by contacting me, Rob McQueen, through my Face Book site Forage City London, or by my email:  hertzmyears@gmail.con.


























Winter Wellness Workshop  

(I would advise that you copy this document for future use. It is 11 pages long, and it would also be easier to mark up and make notes on it if it was on a hard copy)

I will begin with the understanding, that the things I say are from my experience, or from what I would do, and what I believe about health. I add that disclaimer because everyone’s body is different, and what I say works for me may not work for you. For example. I drink herb teas daily. Some of you may have an allergy to some of the herbs I use, therefore, for me to say do this, and you do it and have a allergic reaction, I will have done you a very big disservice.

I am also not wanting to take away from you learning about the workings of you body; that is you beautiful journey. We are born into this life and the experiment begins.

I also believe that if you have serious illnesses you should see a medical practitioner to help you figure out your problem. You are not where I am, where I have been taking care of my own health since I was 12 without the assistance of medical help.

What I will be concentrating on is for you to be well and not need to have medical assistance for your health. But in the end, I say that everyone should be their own best doctor. I believe that practitioners should be viewed as helps, and not gods.

So, let’s get this out of the way. Herbs are sometimes powerful for medicine. You must use wisdom and skill in using herbs so you don’t have problems. This is a caution, and not to create fear. I help people with their many questions. Usually reactions are limited to mild headaches, dizziness, rashes and such. To have more dramatic reactions it usually requires you taking something over a period of time and you ignoring the reaction you are having. It requires that you aren’t being observant about your own care. Don’t do that. Don’t treat yourself if you don’t remain mindful of how you are feeling.

I tell the story of my childhood here – this is what brought me to herbs as a young boy: (blah blah)

Conclusion to my story as a boy with herbs : What I learned when I was 12 was when the doctor couldn’t find the cure for my Ringworm 1. I couldn’t leave my health in the hands of someone else, and 2. I learned that herbs could cure me of illness. The other thing I learned that I didn’t realize back then was I learned to be observant about my body, what it was saying to me, and to be observant about my environment.

The reason that I tell my story is because I am speaking to many of ideas that are quite foreign to most people. In the past herbs and Herbalists, were suppressed by medical associations.

I am also speaking to many who are Novices. Many of you might feel that I am speaking of a mystical place or land where the rules are all changed. Me telling my story gives you a bridge on which you can build faith to cross to the understanding of herbs. By you crossing this bridge of belief, you will be able to build your own bridge. If and when you try herbs and prove to yourself that herbs work, you will build your own bridge, and your own faith to believe in herbs as a power to heal will grow.

I can tell you a simple remedy for you to try and build your faith on. When you see that it works for you, you will enter the land of the forgotten knowledge. In the spring you will get mosquito bites. Try this. When you get a bite, get a Plantain leaf and chew a little piece and put it on the bite for about 10 mins and you will see that herbs work. Me eating grass as a 12 year old boy, to heal myself of Ringworm, when the Doctor couldn’t heal me was my bridge to the world of using weeds for medicine.

When I do workshops and I see Stinging Nettle I get excited. I will walk over to the Stinging Nettle and do a demonstration that proves that herbs work as medicine. I will rub my bare arm across the Stinging Nettle which causes welts to be produced on my arm. In the demonstration I explain a truth that if you have a toxin, the remedy for your healing will be within 10 ft of the toxin. A remedy is always that close to a problem. I will look around and there will be Plantain, Burdock, Jewel Weed, or Yellow Dock within 10 ft to fix my problem. I will chew part of a leaf and with lots of spit on the leaf, I will rub it on my arm. Within 2 minutes I will barely feel the effects of the stinging. I usually pick Plantain because it is softer to chew, it is almost always around and it is very effective.

Of this other world that I speak of, I say: Foragers see the world differently that everyone else. While other people walk around stepping on weeds, and they see trees, and shrubs, flowers and grass, a forager sees food and medicine.

The basis of your health is Nutrition – Senate Report

I ask here, when do you think this report came out in? Some say the 1960’s, some think as far back as the 1950’s. The answer is that the report came out in 1936. And with the state of our World’s farming practices, farmers are still not putting nutrients back into the soil. They are only selling crops and not putting anything back into the soil. The chemical companies have farmers believing that selling wheat, corn or whatever is enough. There is no consideration of whether or not the food is healthy for those consuming it. There is the farm to save.

My observation and belief is that our bodies are created to heal themselves. If we give our bodies all the nutrients that they need, our bodies will heal themselves to the optimum of our DNA capacity. Some are unfortunate to have DNA with diseases as part of your make up. My hope is that in teaching you about nutrition and the way your body functions, I will help you to get closer to your healthiest within the bounds of your DNA makeup. Part of my family makeup is a weakness in the lungs, and from my father, I could have a problem with cholesterol in the arteries and prostate problems. Because I looked at my family background, I could decide that I don’t want these ailments to touch my life, so I have made life choices that have skirted the families weaknesses. Dad didn’t learn the lessons of herbs or of good health. For example, by the time my father was 55 he had a triple bypass to clean out his arteries. Seeing what he went through I’ve decided that I have no interest in a surgeon cutting me, so I use Olive Oil for oil, I eat lots of Oatmeal, get lots of roughage in my diet, apples are especially good for you and vegetables, lots of bran in a bran cereal. This is how I have decided not to follow my father’s footsteps in health.

If we look at the statement by the Senate Report and that you “Will get sick without minerals”, and assume the simple conclusion of merely eating nutritious food to get you healthy, in my estimation that would be a little off. I believe that even if you ate healthy food and supplements, you might still be sick. What if you begin with clogged bowels? Absorption of nutrition is the important thing as well as getting nutrition. To get an immediate start toward good health you should consider a good bowel cleanse.

Some people have been eating things that are not good for them for years, and their bowels are clogged with a thick layer of mucous that make absorbing nutrients almost impossible; we need a good cleansing.

In preparing for this Workshop I found a good article by a doctor on the situation.

“The mucus coats the villi on the wall of the small intestine. The villi are like tiny fingers that stick out from the intestinal wall to absorb nutrients from the digested food, which is primarily liquid. The mucus on the villi blocks the absorption of nutrients from the food. Sometimes the mucus gets so thick and tough it is almost like a plastic film. Almost no nutrition can get through to the body. A person with a severe mucus buildup could take $1,000.00 worth of supplements a month along with a good diet and still get almost no nutritional value from them. He or she would be starving and therefore would want to eat more food including protein. That would lead to more of the pancreatic enzymes being used to digest the protein even though it could not be properly absorbed. When all the pancreatic enzymes are used up, there are none left in the blood to destroy cancer cells.

The article is found at:     http://www.whale.to/a/intestine.html

He then went on to prescribe a drug and that is where we part ways.

There we have it, with the bowels clean, and with our food deficient, how are we to get our nutrition? If you are constantly bunged up you may still be sick if your body isn’t absorbing the good nutrients that your body is needing.

To start the healing process it is best to do a cleanse in your bowels and also your blood. And then you have to get enough roughage to continue getting the roughage to maintain your healthy intestinal tract.

What Goes in Must Come Out

For a good bowel cleanse strictly for the intestinal tract you can try Cascara Sagrada. This herb causes water to accumulate in the intestines and thus making your stool soft and flowing. Loose as a goose comes to mind. You are best to use Cascara Sagrada about half an hour before bed and take it as a tea, or as a supplement with a hot cup of water, as hot as is comfortable to take. This will maximize the effect. A capsule is safe to take, if you have never used it before. If 1 capsule isn’t enough of a moving experience, you could try 2 capsules another time. Again with hot water before bed. You might hear of another herb, Senna, for the same purpose, but I would advise against it. Senna may cause you a lot of cramps.

For a deep cleanse you can use a combination of herbs, Chaparral, Dandelion Root, and Red Clover Blossoms. That works on both cleaning the bowel, and also the blood. If you wanted to do a good  blood cleanse, you could also add Yellow Dock root and Burdock root. It is interesting to note that both Chaparral and Red Clover Blossoms have been studied for the use of Cancer.

Prune juice is an old favourite, and metamucil comes from the seeds of the ever present Plantain weed. Plantain is the weed that I am constantly raving about, a weed which I tell everyone that they should get to know about.

Flax Seed has properties of helping you to eliminate, as well as having Essential Fatty Acids as a bonus. Flax, with its roughage, forms a jell that will go through your intestine like a plug, dragging the old food out and from the intestinal lining.

Bran is good for roughage. You can think of the insoluble bran flakes as thousands of little bulldozers cleaning the sides of your intestines. Some must drive upside down.

Chlorophyll is good for a constant cleansing. Chlorophyll is what makes your vegetables green, so continue to maintain good bowel and blood cleanliness by eating green leafy vegetable. If you lived by the principle of eating your medicine, you should eat lots of vegetables.

After The Cleanse

Good and as healthy food as possible, preferable grown by you, should be your first line of defense for good health. In growing your own food, you breathe in gasses given off of the soil, chemicals that are the precursors of melatonin (the happiness hormone).

Herbs that are good for nutrition are Alfalfa, and Dandelion, but Alfalfa is king. Kelp is another good supplement for giving you your minerals. Some might have a problem with Kelp so use it with caution.  In the back of my book Herbally Yours you will find that Alfalfa has all but a couple of minerals in it. That is because the roots of Alfalfa goes down 10 to 14 ft in the ground picking up minerals from deep in the soil. You will notice that the mineral rich Dandelion also has a deep root. Another beneficial supplement is Kelp. It picks up minerals that float freely in the ocean.

I think that it is a good idea to drink a tea of Alfalfa, Peppermint Horsetail, and Chamomile. Alfalfa will give you your minerals and help you digest your food, Peppermint will help you digest your food, Horsetail will help you assimilate your Calcium, Calcium is a very important mineral,  and Chamomile would help you feel calm in your life.

Often people take herbs for different ailments. While food is your best medicine, herbs can be used to get a person back on track. Many people will think of herbs as medicine, ie thinking of the Pharmaceutical properties, but herbs are more. Herbs contain large concentrations of minerals and herbs work because it is the concentration of minerals that give the body the nutrients to restore it to health. Remember, if you do not have the minerals you will get sick.

If a person isn’t dangerously, or bothersomely sick, if you are not confident in prescribing herbs for yourself, you can take Alfalfa, Dandelion Leaves, and/or Kelp to slowly, but surely feed yourself the nutrients that your body will absorb and restore your good health. That is my thinking, my gut feeling, so take it for what it is worth. It will be a slower, more natural way to restore yourself to health.

Dealing with Mucous

After cleaning out your bowels, I think that the next biggest preventative thing that you need to be concerned with for your health is monitoring the Mucous level in your body. Mucous is a necessary part of your human health, it separates organs from each other, and bacteria from our parts, but an over abundance of Mucous becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. With a combination of too much mucous, not enough nutrients and your body defenses being down, you will get sick. When you notice that you are getting to mucousy you have to bring down the mucous level to prevent illness. Did you know that often times, it is mucous that causes a sore throat? Mucous will build up at the back of the nasal cavity and if a bad bacteria comes along, the mucous will be the perfect breeding ground for a sore throat to develop. If you have bacteria in your nose it is better to blow your nose that it is to huck it up, so it doesn’t pass your throat. You will know that you have bacteria when your mucous becomes green.

When you first notice that you are getting an excess Mucous (a runny nose, clearing your throat, tightness in chest etc.) it may be a sign that your body’s defenses are down, so you should reduce the foods that create Mucous in your body. These foods are the building blocks of Mucous – white sugar, white wheat flour and milk products. You can remember them by thinking that they are all white. If you do become sick before you clear yourself of mucous, the longer you continue eating these food the longer you will be sick because you will be continuing the breeding ground of mucous.

Mucous in General: The main herbs to clear mucous are Fenugreek, Slippery Elm and Thyme (the culinary herb). You may also use Sage in your cooking.

Lungs: In my case, the mucous will present itself in the lungs, so I have always used Fenugreek (mainly) Mullein, and Marshmallow Root in a tea. If you have other herbs you could include Burdock for cleaning your blood, Red Raspberry, Rose Hips, and Plantain. Some of these herbs are for clearing mucous, some are to repair tissues infected (if over a period of time). Again, you can use Sage and/or Thyme in your cooking.

Sinuses: Fenugreek (mainly), and you can take Ginger, Fennel, Mullen. Rose Hips can be used for clearing your sinuses, which adds the bonus of being especially high in Vit. C.

When expelling mucous from your nose it is better to blow your nose rather than hucking it out through your mouth. There is less chance of getting a sore throat when the mucous touches your throat.

Green mucous in your sinuses indicate the presence of a bacterial infection.

Mucous in the Throat: The main herb I use with a sore throat is Licorice. Bayberry, Chlorophyll are also good. Cayenne is good to swallow. You might want to consume it in hot spicy food. It is not as hard on the stomach that way. I have been known to get a tall glass of tomato juice, and I throw at least a tablespoon of Cayenne in, stirred it up and drink it down. You might want to experiment with how much Cayenne you use, depending on how strong a stomach you have, and how your body handles an acid system. You can take Alfalfa tablets, and perhaps a Calcium supplement to help reduce your acid level.

Comfrey: In all this, some books may suggestion to use Comfrey for several of these. I strongly caution people about the use of Comfrey for extended use, as it can cause liver damage. Herbs have to be used with skill, prudence and with moderation.

Cayenne is a good herb to use in association with most treatment. Do not use with acidic problems. Cayenne is a catalyst, and as such it speeds up all reactions. It will also cause the heart to strengthen, and also pump faster to get the nutrients out to your body quicker. You will note that when you eat hot spicy food that your face will get red. That is the heart pumping heat away from your core, to cool it, thus the heat is moved to your face and limbs. In the winter I will use more Cayenne on colder days to help keep me warmer.

If you want to get Cayenne into your system faster, put it into tomato juice, stir and drink it. If you want Cayenne to effect you over a longer period of time include it into your food when you eat so it is absorbed into your system slowly as the food digests. Take Alfalfa and/or Calcium supplement to reduce the effect of the acid on your body. You can also drink distilled or RO water to increase the bodies PH.

Garlic can be used at all times as a prevention of illness. Garlic is a natural Antibiotic and will kill bacteria, viruses (colds), and Fungus infections. It is unlike chemical Antibiotics, in that it will not disturb your body’s natural flora. You can read more about Garlic where I speak of Strep Throat. You can minimize the smell of Garlic by drinking lots of water when you are taking it, and also you can chew on a sprig of parsley after eating the Garlic. Parsley has a lot of Chlorophyll in it (the reason for the dark green colour). Chlorophyll is the ingredient in Chlorets that kills bad breath odours.

Other Winter Ailments:

Bronchitis, Pneumonia etc.: To start, these will be dealt with in the same manor as to remove the mucous. When the mucous is gone, clearing the lungs and bronchial tubes of infection is much simpler. (See Mucous – Lungs)

What I do is:
1. I automatically remove white sugar, white flour, and milk products from my diet.
2. I will begin drinking a tea of Fenugreek, Mullein, and Marshmallow root. 4 to 6 cups the first day. 4 cups the following day if the condition persists.
3. I start taking Garlic for an Antibiotic, 4 cloves a day, for at least a day after I think that I have licked it.
4. I begin taking Cayenne in large amounts, more than a teaspoon in tomato juice. I do that 2 times a days. Cayenne raises the core temperature, which like an artificial fever. I will speak to fevers further along.
Use Cayenne in tomato juice, and on an empty stomach when you want it to get into your system faster. If you want it to go into your system slower, put the Cayenne into your food where it will be absorbed slowly throughout a few hours – it works like time released that way.

Strep Throat:

One winter I got Strep Throat. It was to the point that I could hardly swallow, so I had to deal with more aggressive than I would a regular Sore Throat. I ate 2 bulbs of Garlic in 2 days ( it was the loneliest 2 days of my life). I ate one bulb the first and the other the second day. That is at a rate of 1 cove every hour to hour and a half. But inasmuch as it was Strep Throat I consumed them differently than I would a regular Sore Throat. With a regular Sore Throat I simple drank 2 glasses of water, put a little water in my mouth and then a clove of Garlic; I chewed the Garlic and swallowed.

With the Strep Throat, I also drank the 2 glasses of water, I sipped some water, chewed the Garlic, but rather than swallowing the whole mixture, I swallowed the liquid, and then I swallowed the Garlic so it would pass over the throat tissues. By the end of the first day I could swallow comfortably again, but I took the second bulb the next day to make sure I had killed all the germs. This is why I comfortably say that Garlic doesn’t interfere with your body’s flora.

If you have a stomach that will not tolerate the strength of the Garlic on your stomach, cut up a clove of Garlic and put it in a glass of water for a couple of hours and then you can drink it. This will make it not so hard on the stomach. There will be no Garlic sitting immediately on your stomach.

You can also eat Papayas. Papayas have a similar compound that is in stomach acid and while eating it, it will digest the dead tissues of the throat as it travels to your stomach.

Colds Vs. Flu (both are Virus ailments, making their symptoms somewhat similar)

What are the symptoms of the flu versus the symptoms of a cold? Found in article http://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/qa/coldflu.htm

In general, the flu is worse than the common cold, and symptoms such as fever, body aches, extreme tiredness, and dry cough are more common and intense. Colds are usually milder than the flu. People with colds are more likely to have a runny or stuffy nose. Colds generally do not result in serious health problems, such as pneumonia, bacterial infections, or hospitalizations.


Ginger is good for your stomach, it will neutralize acids and aid digestion. Peppermint is also good for your digestion, and also for fever, headaches, pain and it is also an Expectorant. Red Raspberry and Yarrow are 2 other better herbs to take. Secondary herbs that grow in the area would be Alfalfa, Catnip Dandelion (the root), Red Clover, Rose Hips (likely for the Vit. C and for a fever), Slippery Elm is good for Diarrhea , lungs and mucous. Yellow Dock root is a good blood purifier and cleans out some of your organs. Take these in a tea form. Teas (Infusions) will hit your blood stream almost immediately, much faster than ingesting them in a tablet or capsule which then have to be broken down in the less effective digestive system.

If you can hold down food add Sage, Thyme and Cinnamon to your meals. Studies are being conducted to see if Cinnamon actually kills germs.
Vitamins A, C and E are important, as is Calcium.

Remember to add Garlic and Cayenne to your treatment.

Colds: Colds really respond well to a combination of  Cayenne, Garlic, Fenugreek, and Rose Hips.
Secondary herbs could be Chamomile, Catnip, Ginger, Licorice for congestion in the throat, Peppermint, Red Raspberry, and Yarrow.

Vitamins A, B, C and E and Calcium

Ear Infection

If you get an ear infection, get a small bottle and partly fill it with Olive Oil. Cut up a clove of Garlic and put it into the oil. Leave stand for at least for an hour. You can warm the oil and tilting your head,  put some in your ear with an eyedropper.
The warm is soothing and will usually  remove the pain quickly and the natural antibiotic property will kill the infection. Put some Kleenex in your ear to both keep your ear warm, but also to keep the oil from dripping on your clothes.

Good Habits for Good Health

I will add what I do as good habits to keep me without illnesses. I do these things in the knowledge that I am less likely to get sick, and if I do, because my body is already in good condition, that it will take less for me to throw off the attack of an illness.

–  I drink a glass of water before I go to bed and again when I first get up. I think that I get a good flush of my liver and kidneys before my stomach gets food in it. Some will prefer either Distilled or RO water. Also hydration is important
–  Reduce the amount of meat you consume if you eat a lot of meat. A naturopath I heard speak, said that your body can only process a small paddy of meat at a time. If you eat too much meat your body will not be able to produce enough Hydrochloride Acid to break down the protein, the remainder will go rancid in your gut. Your intestines are warm and moist. It is a great place for toxins to grow. These toxins will get absorbed into your bloodstream via the intestines. Ask yourself would you eat meat that sat out on the table for a day or more? If you think about the toxins that would grow being left out, it is worst in the warmth and the moisture of your gut.
-Regarding eating meat, I eat most of my meat at the beginning of the meal so that the meat hits my stomach on its own, and then my vegetables. That way the Hydrochloric Acid can break the meat down before the potatoes get piled on and absorb the acid, leaving the protein undigested.
–  Get good yogurt into you. I eat half a tub of yogurt usually 2 times a week. This is unsweetened yogurt. I add unsweetened pineapple or a mixture of fruit to the yogurt. Also, when I am eating oatmeal, I put a tablespoon of yogurt into my oatmeal when it is just warm, and I let it stand for a few hours before I eat it. It is my feeling that the oatmeal becomes a base for the probiotics to grow. I started this practice after I found out that chick peas was the medium for growing probiotics, that are sold in health food stores. Yogurt can also be added to rice or bean meals.

How to Use Herbs

People do not consider that herbs can be powerful in their effects on you, particularly if you have an allergy, or an adverse reaction to a herb. You have to use herbs in both wisdom (understanding what the herb does) and moderation. If you overuse a medicinal herb you can develop an allergy to it, or a buildup can cause you problems. An example that can be sited is for Comfrey. Comfrey is a wonderful herb that is powerful in healing many ailments, 50 and counting. I personally only take Comfrey for knitting my bones for breaks.

When you try an herb for the first time you will not know if you are allergic. If you are using Chemical Drugs you would be wise to consult with a Pharmacist for harmful interactions with that herb. Pharmacists are more knowledgeable than doctors about this. Or find a reputable site on the Internet.

Use the herb once and don’t use if again for a couple of days. Try this again in a couple of days. If you experience a side effect like a rash, dizziness, confusion, head ache, or anything different than usual, stop using the herb.

If you are using more than one new herb that is new, you should take the time to use this process. Or simply pick another herb that will do the same thing, but one that you have used.

When using herbs for your health, I suggest using herbs that are from your direct area. The principle is that the herbs that grow in your immediate area are living in the same environment, the same climate as you, so they will respond to that same climate by producing the best chemistry to adapt to that environment. That is why I strongly hope that everyone will come out for foraging workshops, to collect the herbs that are needed by you. You assess the illnesses of yourself, and your family and then gather the herbs necessary to combat those ailments.

Are Whole Herbs Superior to Processed Supplements?
It is my opinion that herbs picked are superior to supplements that have been processed. If herbs are merely ground and put into a capsule and , that is one thing, but if an herb has been processed to get certain constituents derived from the herb. In separating components from the herb, you eliminate the chemicals that allowed / caused the plant from up-taking some of the pharmaceuticals that will help you to absorb the herb. Whereas, when you take a herb only ground, all the elements are there to help your body to absorb it into your body.

I will go one step farther to say that if you collect your own herbs it is superior to buying the herbs from the store. When you buy herbs from the store, even from bulk, the herbs will either be in a ground form, or broken down into very small pieces. When I show you to collect them from the forest or the field, I will teach you to keep the herb in as big pieces as possible, and on their stems as well. Keeping the herb as whole as possible will keep more of the minerals and the Pharmaceuticals in the plant than if it is stored ground or in small pieces.

When storing herbs keep them in dark bottles, or at least out of the light to keep them from breaking down as quickly.

How to Make a Tea With Different Component

Some people are new to making herbal teas, so I’ll tell you how I make my teas. I begin with the thicker components of the teas. I will start brewing my tea with roots in the pot and bring it up to the start of a boil, and then turn the burner to low. Try to keep at the almost boil for a total of 20 mins, at which time I turn the burner off and let it continue to steep. If I am adding a seed like Fenugreek or Fennel I will add it at the same time as the root. At about the 15 minute mark from the beginning of the process I will add leaf herbs to simmer for the last 5 minutes or so. This is where the burner is turned off.

If you are making a tea strictly of leaves you can merely brew the tea in a teapot. Many people have other ways of brewing your tea. Learn several methods and you will begin to enjoy your own way of brewing a cup.

Approaches to Healing

Our modern medical system seems bent on Silver Bullets, they look to find the drug that solves the problem of fixing the disease with one pill. The idea of the one drug is more a sale gimmick to make money. At the truth side of the story, bodies don’t work that way. During any ailment many systems are being effected which have to be addressed.

When dealing with herbs and my body, I prefer the Shotgun approach to the Silver Bullet. I take a number of herbs to deal with an ailment.

You can think of herbs as super food. We eat food for nutrition, but if we are lax, or with a change in weather, or stress hits us a little harder than normal, we are caught sideways; everyone can get sick. So herbs are like super foods because they have minerals in high degrees that will address illnesses. Herbs also contain Pharmaceuticals that give the body the organic chemicals that the body normally run on, but it gives it more directly, so the body doesn’t have to go through the process of creating them.

Getting back to the Shotgun, I take a number of herbs rather than a single one. Different herbs feeds different parts of the body, and the nutrition that those parts needs as far as fixing the organ. A herb may also provide the organ with the chemicals it hasn’t produced that may have  caused the ailment in the first place.

Because the body is designed to heal itself, with a clean intestinal tract, your body will take the nutrients, and the Pharmaceuticals that your body needs, to heal itself. In many ways your body is smarter than you are, it knows what it needs. That is why I have come to the conclusion that the body was created to heal itself.

The Shotgun is Safer than the Silver Bullet

When taking herbs, there may be some that you are allergic to, that it is also safer to take multiple herbs. If you take one herb and you are allergic to it, you have a problem. But if you take a remedy with 4 or more herbs in it, it will be only a fraction of the percent of the herbs you are taking.

Be Observant

Be vigilant in observing your body and how it is functioning. If you are observant and notice a symptom of something coming on (stuffiness, cloudiness of thinking, a tickle in the throat, the start of a runny nose, the slight tightness in your chest), you can catch the illness just at the onset. It is better to catch an illness when there are a million bacteria attacking you before they become a billion. A million bacteria can be killed quite quickly, and there is the aspect that your body doesn’t have the added problem of repairing the tissues the bacteria has damaged.

Mechanical Aspects of Eating that Help Your Health

Chew your food well. The smaller pieces will digest faster, so you will derive more goodness from your food than if you don’t chew well. Have you ever seen a person that woofs down their food. They usually have bad gas, which is caused by poor digestion. Chewing more does 2 other things, it will put more saliva into your food. Saliva is an important part of digestion. It is the starting process of breaking down your food. The second point is it takes about 40 minutes for your body to realize that you have eaten enough. Also, chewing created the sensation of being satisfied.

There is a reason that the French are not as heavy as the Western World norm. The French emphases eating good food, slowly, while chatting, and also they have traded the concept of eating until you are full to eating until you are satisfied. That is many calories before being full.

Knowing Your Body for Healing

We as a society have gotten so far from instinctively understanding our bodies functions that most people get in the way of the body as it tries to heal itself. It is like there are 2 you’s, there is your brain fighting what the body is trying to accomplish. As a society we try to avoid the unpleasantness of what the body is doing when we are sick. We don’t like runny noses, or throwing up, or diarrhea. When any of those things happen we do what we can to stop it. But each of these things are mechanisms our body employs to purge out impurities. You are taught to immediately bring down a fever as soon as you get one. I’m not being critical here, I’m only making an observation. Perhaps it is the best thing to do for anyone that doesn’t understand how we function, but as you learn how your body functions, you will learn new tools for healing yourself quicker. Perhaps this is a better understanding to have, don’t stop a fever, control it. If you have a fever, or especially if a baby or child has a fever it is much more a dangerous situation, but in yourself, if you get a fever, instead of taking a couple of aspirin to eliminate the fever, start by taking half of what you would normally take. Bring down a dangerous fever to a lower fever, and then monitor the fever closely.

A fever is the body’s way of raising the body temperature to a point that it will kill bacteria. Bacteria is killed by heat. So if you raise your temperature to a mild fever you will be out of the danger zone, but you will still kill germs. If you stop the fever all together you will lose the healing power of a fever.

Once, when I was on top of a mountain in Alberta, with my children, there was a freak snowstorm in May. One got my coat, my sleeping bag went on them to keep the 3 warm in the night, and I came back with a fever. When I got back and the kids were taken care of, I poured a tall glass of tomato juice in a cup; I mixed a tablespoon of Cayenne into it and drank it. I ate 2 cloves of Garlic, wrapped an feather sleeping bag around me and went to bed. I woke up 2 hours later with the fever having been broken, and feeling much better. For someone that knows their body and how it works, a fever can be a tool to good health. Do not do this if you don’t have many years of experience in healing yours.

Incidentally, you can get an aspirin to kick in faster if you put it under the tongue as opposed to swallowing it. Put it under the tongue for a minute before you swallow it. If you look under your tongue you will see blood vessels. The chemicals in an aspirin will absorb into the veins in the tongue and get into your blood stream without having to go through your stomach. If you have food in your stomach it will take some time for the chemicals to touch your stomach wall and be absorbed. Putting your medicine under the tongue is part of the practice of Homeopathy, and also ingesting tinctures. You can purchase White Willow Bark to do the same as the aspirin. White Willow Bark is where Aspirins originated from.

Diarrhea is a way the body gets toxins out of your body quickly. Remember that there is only so much in there before you are empty. When you have diarrhea drink plenty of liquids. Runny noses clean out Mucous, as does throwing up. Green mucous in your nose is a sign of a bacterial infection. My Mom made this point when I was a young father. My son had a flu and he threw up on my Mom’s rug. I was concerned about the vomit on her rug, but when it happened Mom said “Good, he got that out”. My Mom taught me the lesson of working with your body to control disease.

Garlic as a Natural Antibiotic

Some will dispute about Garlic killing a virus but I used Garlic to heal colds. Garlic will also treat fungus problems. The fact that Garlic has been instrumental in stopping my Colds and my Flu attest to the fact that Garlic works to kill viruses.

To me, Garlic is the champion antibiotic. Man’s antibiotics might be foiled by bacteria mutating, but Garlic has been around for thousands of years, but bacteria has never mutated around it.

If you have been sick and have taken an Antibiotic, get yourself a good Probiotic to replenish your flora. The way that doctor’s antibiotics work is that it causes all the bacteria in your body to absorb  water, causing their cell walls to rupture. That means good bacteria as well as the bad. So inasmuch as your body needs your good gut bacteria, you need to replenish it.  I would also suggest that you eat a lot of chick peas for a few days after you consume the Probiotic.

Oregano Oil:

Oregano Oil is a powerful cure that needs consideration. It is an antiseptic that has been known to kill even Ecoli in an emergency. I hear a mother tell of her son, having drunk the water in Walkerton, and he was near death. She heard of a man speaking about Oregano Oil, and went to speak to him. With a long story short, she gave some Oregano Oil to her son and in a couple of days he was up and running around with his friends.

I would add, that inasmuch as Oregano Oil is and antiseptic, it kills all bacteria and your body’s good flora. It is much like Modern Antibiotics in this way.

A Coffee Scrub

A final item that I will add is that the Winter is awfully drying on your hands. I would suggest that periodically you get some coffee grinds and scrub your hands with it. The exfoliate will rub off the dead outer skin leaving you with very soft skin. Enjoy your softer skin ladies.

I hope that you have benefited from this written copy of my Winter Wellness Workshop. Please, if you have any questions please message me through FB. If I have made any errors, again, please contact me so I can make adjustments to the notes.

Those that would like to get in touch with me can access me via my FB site Forage City London.

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China Reported being in Syria

During the Fed election I said that the Parties should tell us where they stand about Russia in the fight against ISIS. Obviously the Russians were not fighting ISIS, to consolidate their interests in the Middle East, Russia is there to keep Assad in power.

It is outrageous that Russia is allowed to indiscriminately kill Syrian civilians, in the pretense of fighting ISIS.

Now that China is there my message statement is doubled.

Perhaps Russia is upping the anny to make the point that America is a fading force in the world today. America/ Obama talks a good talk, but America is too broke to fight Russia, and especially a wealthy China. Will China now be flexing its political muscle?

There will be more effort to keep this out of the news than there will be to protect civilians.

If China has indeed formed a new alliance with their old comrades Russia,we are at a dangerous point in history with America, our traditional protector being broke.

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trudeau and wynne

After hearing last Friday’s Federal Throne Speech I remembered a word that I hadn’t thought of for a long time – the word is “Mandate”. When I was a younger man, a political mandate was where, at election time, the various parties would lay out their platforms to the voters, and the voters could assess which they liked best and vote for that party. The parties platform was to be incorporated into a vision of what they saw that they could do for Canada and Canadians.

Today, we seem to have lost sight of the “Vision for Canada”, and in our recent past, our politicians have pretty much mishandled their “mandate” for governance. To Justin Trudeau’s credit ( I’m non partisan ), he laid out quite a spread of things he offered to Canadians, as a Leader and as a Party. Where I am cautiously impressed, for the time being is, that after he won his resounding Majority, he didn’t turn his Mandate into the typical “I have a majority, therefore, I will do whatever I please to do” attitude of governance. Yes, Trudeau said that he would bring 25,000 Syrian Refugees to Canada during the election, but when there was a great fear and trepidation over the security of the tight timetable, he allowed for the Peoples’ will to be heard and he responded with an extended timetable. We have not heard any clamour over security since the extension of time was added.

By sharp contrast, Ontarians also have another Liberal Majority winner to watch, in Kathleen Wynne. She had the disrespect for Ontarians to run on the narrowest of campaigns, merely to stop Tim Hudak and his job cuts. Any issues were secondary to that message. Today, despite the fact that she never mentioned it during the election, Wynne is selling Hydro One disregarding the fact that more than 80% of the Ontario electorate disapprove of the sale. And she is acting unapologetic. In her mind, she has a mandate to do what she damn well feels to do. Period. It didn’t take her 10 years to disregard the voters and become arrogant.

Voters should get to understand that word “Mandate”, to compare how they are going to be treated after the win of the government. Perhaps this is a better instrument of decision for voters to take, because it is closer to the result of how we will be governed than anything the political leaders say. We know that the rogues will say anything to get elected.

Perhaps justified should be added to mandate, that we will accept from them to do what is justified in what they have said in that they will do. Now, to wrestle the power of an actual say out of their hands is quite a bigger fight.

A message to Ontarians, I believe that Wynne got that arrogant so quickly because after the election win, despite the 5 scandals the Liberals had perpetrated before the election, Ontarians were bamboozled to vote for Wynn and her Liberals. Frankly, she and her party should never been allowed to win the election. For the sake of the scandals, the Liberals should have been soundly punished at the polls. I believe that Kathleen has it in her mind that she hoodwinked the electorate and so she is smarter than us and can do as she pleases. That is why Ontarians CANNOT permit her to sell Hydro One. That would only reinforce her belief that she has a free hand to do as she pleases. This is a dangerous state to allow a Government, with poor judgement to have a free hand on your lives, and your wallets.

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Why Don’t He Write

signs 3

Quoting from Dances With Wolves, the uncouth teamster Timmon says to the man with an arrow in his chest “Now,why don’t he write”. Well I’m sure that many of my readers have said the same of me after I stopped writing my articles for a while.

I thought that I would draw back the curtain and expose why I have not written so much as of late.

I have been struggling with issues of time, like anyone. But I do from 2 to 5 hours a day on political issues. I am a political animal. But even 2 to 5 hours a day is not enough time when the politicians disregard the people, and at the same time so many prefer to sleep as us activists burn out our lives trying to grow our democracy, and/or defend ourselves from the loss of freedoms. I had to come to a conclusion whether I was Activist first, or Writer…. and I guess Activist won. I have experienced so much, as an activist, over the years since I was 12, and perhaps earlier. Yes I can write it and share it with you, but almost 2 50 articles have already been written, and my activism become research deeper into the belly of effective activism.

While away from the pen, I worked on 4 issues.

  1. I was upset that our Federal Harper Government what drastically reducing the funding to our National Radio Station, the CBC. The CBC has, by it’s tradition, always had a free hand to stand up to Governments through the year. It is owned by the People of Canada, and as such it doesn’t carry the prejudice of a multinational Elitist that has a 1% bent in reporting. The CBC is not way up front, like activists, in understanding democracy, but as a platform of information to the general public they are leagues ahead of the private sources of information out there. So I threw some support behind the campaign to save CBC. Result of action: the funding cuts to the CBC have been stopped. We still don’t know whether CBC will have their funding returned to health levels, but the cuts are for now stopped.
  2. Canada Post began to install Community Mailboxes in London, and what first attracted me first attracted me to the issue was that Canada Post, being a large Corporation bullheadedly went about choosing spots for planting their boxes and many of their decisions were plain wrong. We defended 6 spots in London, but I will mention just 2. One spot for a postal box was half way up a hill, which in the Winter, would require cars, that stopped, as drivers got their mail, would have to back up down the hill to get it up the hill on already icy roads. The other spot was were a 4 box set would be in the way of a drivers sight to back out of his driveway onto a busy street. There would be 2 young children in the back seat of the car. There was also another issue that came into play, it was a symbol of resistence to a large corporation, us building flower planters on designated Box spots. Result: Of the 6 spots we protected, 5 still have only the flower boxes that we built on site. These people still have Door-to Door home mail delivery. We proved to Londoners the value of Activism and Resistence.
  3. With the advent of the Harper Omnibus Bill, and Bill C 51, and other terrible pieces of legislature, I as did a massive activist in my community and across Canada, determined that the undemocratic Harper Government had to go. So I choose to try to bring down my own personal MP, the Minister of Science and  Technology, Ed Holder. LeadNow didn’t want to touch Ed Holder thinking that he was not removable. Ed had won with a comfortable 5000 vote surplus in the past election. But my beef was with my MP, not an MP in another riding. I had gone to Ed’s office to complain of his sheep following of Harper. I wanted my Sheep of Parliament gone. Result: I am not saying that I had a dramatic part in his defeat, but me and my 32 signs, “Drop Holder” did have an impact.  I spent upwards to 120 hrs making signs, putting up signs etc, as the cat/mouse game of me putting up signs and them being stolen, me moving the signs, or holding up my signs on busy street intersections in the City. Ed lost with more than 5000 vote spread. I contributed my part to ridding us of the Harper Government on the internet as well, on FB.
  4. As said before, I have been an activist for many years, and I have tried, mostly in vain, to get the majority activated in politics. But the majority wants to sleep as their freedoms are being stolen. So I decided that I would get ahead of the curve and plan for the day when the whole system comes crashing down around us. The plain fact is that the Trudeau Government will still be an instrument of the 1% bringing in free trade and other policies that will enhance the grip of the 1% on our Economy and our wallets and our lives. So I have the knowledge of eating weeds for food and medicine. I learned it starting at 9 years old. I have decided to teach as many people in London as I can. I am hoping in the years to come, to teach 1000 Londoners how to eat weeds, and to use weeds for medicine. As a platform to achieve that aim, I have a FaceBook site called Forage City London to teach people about edible and medicinal weeds. I am hoping it will become a template for other communities to model after. You are all welcome to apply for membership. It is also the means to inform the public of my free workshops where I take people to forage and take them to the Church to which I attend, and we create a meal of the foraged foods and eat it. It is a full circle of the process of foraging. This has become a springboard to working with others to create Food Forests within the City, areas where food will grow for foraging and future food sources for the whole populations of London, should the economy collapse in times to come. The issue is, if the economy every did collapse, the People could feed themselves by foraging. In the most extreme case, if the City was to fall into uproar over food not traveling into London, we may avoid the chaos if there was 1000 people here to teach people what they could eat for food. That is only the bare bones of what I have been working on in this folder.
  5. I am now working on the issue of stopping the sale of Hydro One in Ontario, to stop the hiking of costs of hydro to the public and to business.

Projects that I have been dabbling with, and will shortly come into the works is, working with others to revamp London’s Community Garden System. We want to get a better control of the system, so that the gardeners actually garden, and don’t walk away from their gardening. They both leave a weedy mess behind, but it is also a loss of potential food that will be grown in the City, in the future. We plan on setting up a system of workshops to teach gardening to garden, to have head gardeners over each community, and that each community will have mentoring by head gardeners, and potluck events to build community. We hope that this will build leadership skills, and community planning and organizing skills.

Another project I hope to continue in is with a group creating a Peoples’ Parliament, were we project into the future what could bring us, and make plans to remedy those problems. Being Activists, we will look at more radicle possibilities, to which our City leaders will not even think of – economic collapse.

Next month I will be house sitting for a friend that is going to Vietnam. She has chickens, not exactly legally in London, and I raised chickens in the past, so I was qualified to take care of things there.

So, that is what I’ve been up to, and sorry, but that is why I have not written. If you think about it, I have helped in winning in 3 battles as of late. I have been away from writing, but it has sure been good research to inform all of you how to be a successful activist, and to make real changes.

Other articles that you might enjoy:

The Signs of Democracy https://pushinback.wordpress.com/2015/09/26/the-signs-of-democracy/

The Long Road to the Polls  https://pushinback.wordpress.com/2015/10/19/%EF%BB%BFthe-long-road-to-the-polls/




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Days of Remembrances


Remembrance Day is always a disturbing day for me.

One of my earliest memories was when I was about 4 and playing at my father’s feet. He was sitting on his bed in his underwear and had his leg exposed. I saw scars on his leg that caught me as being out of the ordinary. It was a reality that I was going to know about one day, so my Dad explained that during WW2 he had been shot in the legs by machine gun fire. There were the holes going in, and the there were the holes coming out the other side. There were 6 holes in all, on the “good leg”, meaning the leg that was saved; the other leg had only one wound, but the bullet had hit and shattered the bone and the doctors had to amputate Dad’s leg.

I didn’t hear the full story of what happened that day, only enough to be horrified that men did things like that to other men. I would in latter years find out that Dad was a Corporal, in charge of 2 other men, and he decided that he would volunteer himself to cross that open field in Germany. 2 German soldiers with machine guns on either end of the field would open fire and shot my father in enemy cross fire and would leave my father in the field for dead. His buddies also left him for dead, seeing his body react to each subsequent bullet that hit him. They thought that surely he was dead and sensibly, they didn’t want to argue with 2 machine guns over a dead man’s body. They would come back the next day to collect the body, only, on their return they found that he was still alive, and that the shock of so many bullets hitting him caused his body to go into shock. The blood stayed near the core so he hadn’t bled to death.

Another day of remembrance was when I was about 17 or 18. My father called me to his room and told me “I am not sure if Canada is going to get embroiled in America’s war in Vietnam, but if we do, I don’t want you to go”. And then he added his most personal of feelings, “ I don’t want a boy of mine going off to die, or lose a leg to fight a rich man’s war”.

I would call my son into a room 20 sum years later and say the same thing to my oldest son concerning the Gulf War.

I am getting to wear young people would call me old, so I have had plenty of time to think about war. And although I don’t want to argue with my father’s beliefs, he having passed away, I see things differently today than I did many years ago. Sure we go to war and Mega Corporations make $Billions. It is alleged that Haliburton made $39.5 Billion during the Iraq War. This was right after Dick Channey had retired as CEO of Haliburton and became America’s Vice President. There is no mention of whether Dick continued to own stocks for Haliburton while he was Vice President. There is the point that my father was making – men getting rich off of war.

My point goes further; sure the rich will always jump in to make big money during a time of war, and it can also be argued that Mega War Contractors will push to get war on the agenda, but the missing part of the equation lets the public off the hook. If nations are pushed into war, it is because the People are so busy not being engaged and informed in politics that we can so easily be pushed into war. It doesn’t take much to push a half thinking public into anything. Our governments can take some of the blame, they like us sleeping, so they promote our inaction.

Take for example, this ridiculous notion that Canadians fighting against Germany won our freedoms. That is mouthed by politician, media and public alike. That would be if there was even a chance that Hitler could have won the war in Europe and then over-ran America and the rest of North America. Hitler didn’t have the manpower to take over Europe and maintain his hold, then how would he have sent all the thousands of boats that he didn’t have with the tens of millions of extra men to take and secure America. But the words so freely roll off  the peoples’ lips, “Won our freedom”.

If you want to understand what makes me tick politically, it is this. We must be aware to be free, and I know, intimately, the consequences of not being informed, and engaged, my Dad’s leg, and my having to grow up early to do chores that he was unable to do.

On Remembrance Day I am forced to think about the my memories, and how we could so easily lose our freedom. Our election is over – hasn’t just about everyone got tuckered out by what they see almost as an ordeal. They are already wanting to go back to sleep from thinking.

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The Long Road to the Polls

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There is a feeling that few peasants of Europe ever felt, that is to feel sweet freedom in their bosoms. Those that dared dream of freedom usually ended up dead for sedition. The King or the lucky royalty would cut them down to make sure that it would not effect the general peasantry. Men and women, knowing the cost of such rebellion knew the price of their attempt to make conditions better for themselves and their community, but paid that cost so that peoples of the future would be free and enjoy what they only dared to dream.

You, going to the polls, you are heirs to their heroism and their sacrifice.

And yet, how many of you that stand at that box will consider, or think of that sacrifice?  It is that same spirit of stupidity that allows citizens to think that they can sleep and still maintain those rights and freedoms.  Sleepers today have forgotten and disregard that freedom is a struggle and a responsibility to maintain. The boat of freedom is in the river, and you have to paddle against the current of power flowing towards our governments or some day our future children will fall into slavery. This is your legacy that the sleepers are handing to their posterity, good or ill.

We see bills such as Bill C51 come along, where a freedom of privacy was handed over to Canada’s spy agency under the Harper Government. Did the general public pour into the streets to protest? No, Canadians treasure their deep sleep. To most Voters, voting is even a chore, as if to say, to leaders that we even know that you are  unscrupulous, but take care of us so we can stop thinking.

In today’s election Stephan Harper might be punished, but Justin Trudeau whom also approved of Bill C51 and  giving your right away is likely to be awarded the Prime Minister’s job.

The Activists that do go to the street; they are in the spirit of those who gave up their lives in the past. They are heroes and heroines that do your job of fighting for freedoms, and yet the general public cast aspersions at them; they are Radicles, Extremists. They suffer the humiliating fate of being ignored by Power because the sleepers have not gone to the streets with them in the thousands or the millions. And unbeknown to the sleepers, they also suffer the fate of lack of democracy. They have no real say in their governance between elections. The sad joke is that we are electing dictatorships for 4 years.

So, there you are going to the ballot box to mark your X. I hope that you have before hand decided whom you will vote for, so you can stand there savoring the sweet feeling of being free. Take 5 minutes, or even 10, and if someone comes along anxious to get it over with…. tell him to bugger off because this is Freedom Day. This is the only day that your politicians will care about you, not your thoughts, but your extorted approval for them to extract a mandate of abuse from you. Enjoy the moment, because the second after you mark your X, you will again be tossed to the ranks of the silenced and the ignored.

Will the free bird sing so sweetly when it is confined in a cage.

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Let’s Just Make Harper King


Why don’t we just make Stephan Harper King? We have just witnessed another trade deal pop out of secrecy. Where is the uproar about another secret deal? Stephan Harper has made a habit of his dealing, after we also discovered that the Conservatives had been cooking up a deal with both Europe and China. You remember the China deal that had a 31 year back out clause. Both of those deals had been negotiated for much of the term of Harper’s time in office, such that he could have told us during 3 election campaigns, so we could decide on the deal with our votes whether or not we like the direction he was taking us. You know, mandate and that kinda stuff.

Call me old fashioned, but when I was young, political leaders would tell the electorate what they were hoping to accomplish in their term of office and let the people vote on it. I think it was called a vision for the country, or something like that. It was so long ago, and so far away from where we are today. Today we are asked to dutifully asked to swallow the whole plop of lies, negative ads, backbiting on trust that we don’t have. It seems like there is no time for issues any more. But why bother, most everyone is sleeping or bothered that we are forced to listen to the mess anyway.

Our technology has become incredible at the same time that we have entered the dark ages of political thinking amoung the populous. Space missions to Mars are on the horizon, and we, the People, have information instantly at our finger prints with computers. We have millions that have had the college and university educations, and yet we are content to live in what some question as a democracy. We are only baby steps farther along the democratic trail to what our horse riding ancestors had. But we must be okay with that because the people aren’t out into the streets protesting. Those fanatic activists are doing it.

It is so incredibly sad that we are content to be lead down a path by those whom we do not trust, but we let them, because why? We don’t want to think. We revel in our so-called knowledge, our advanced technology and our civilization, but we don’t want to think or do something about our lack of say. What does it say about those that are willing to only be alert long enough to give out their vote and then dutifully pay our taxes and shut up because we are told to; we are unwanted in the process of democracy.

We might as well just hand over the reigns of power to Harper and his money seeking MP yesmen. Let’s just make him king and then we don’t have to go through another election, and we can just go to sleep in our small little World’s.

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The Signs of Democracy.

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We are having an election, some say that it is proof that we have a Democracy, but that is not what is going on out there.

I am an Activist that has been engaged in the process of democracy for many years. That is not to say that I have been involved in political parties and I have been putting up signs and helping a candidate win a seat. No, as I see it, that is not Democracy, that is how the system is, and that is how the general public have been indoctrinated to think that this is how political activism works.

I once saw a political worker putting up signs for whom I would even consider one of the good guys of the political spectrum, the NDP. He was hammering in a post for the next sign to go up for the election. It was perhaps a bit condescending when I asked, “Why don’t you become a real activist?” To which he defended himself and he said that he was. I retorted, You call an election sprint every 5 years activism? Where were you when Bill C 51 was being rushed through Parliament? I didn’t see you at any of the protests”. To which he said, “ I signed a petition”. He sealed my point, activism, and democratic engagement doesn’t happen a mile away from the action.

I began putting up my own counter election signs 3 elections back, when I first gained an understanding that the politicians use their sea of election signs as a subliminal message to prove to us that we have a democracy. My understanding of an election is that it is merely pretence to make the People think that they have given consent, which they call a mandate, to be our decision makers. There is no “Government of the People, by the People, and for the People” here. There is only a British authoritarian system, of Royalty and Clergy making decisions for the Peasants. But in the end, elections don’t matter, the election is a shell game where issues are spun before the Peoples’ faces and then after the election there was no ball at all; the politicians steal the ball when they don’t do what they promised.

The winners of the game gets to do what they want because there are no real consequences for 4 or 5 years. An Electorate that is lead like sheep to consent to the shell game (the election) don’t understand the nuance of the mandate. The system is such that the game goes into the hands of only the players, the politicians. I refuse to accept that as truth.

I wanted to shake the system so I began putting up MY signs during the last Federal Election. These signs were meant to strike at the heart of the meaning of democracy. My sign declared, “Democracy is… Where the People Get a Say BETWEEN ELECTIONS”. Another sign said “The only sign I want to see is that the Politicians are listening”. My sign inserted the ideal into the democratic election illusion and also the truth where the lie lays. My signs with theirs could never mix, some of my signs never saw the next day. Some signs were torn down and thrown in the bushes, and one was out and out broken.

Come forward to today’s election, and I have gotten a lot more personal. Ed Holder was my former MP when I lived on Baseline Rd in London, so when I went to his office to complain about his voting in favour of the Omnibus Bill, I went down to his office and did my good citizen duty, I made clear that I did not think that his Party should ram through issues buried in the Budget. I was not sedated by the calming tones of his staff, that the budget was good for Canadians. And again, when Bill C 51 was laughingly debated in Parliament, I marched down to his office and protested that he didn’t vote for a single NDP amendment to block the increase of powers of law officers without more public oversight. Again, illusionary tones assured me that Stephan Harper was looking out for the best interests of the Canadian People by bringing in this anti terrorist law. They were quoting from the Steven script, “Bill C 51 will never be used against law abiding citizens”. (Since the Bills adoption, BC’s Privacy Commissioner begs to differ, as Oil Pipeline Protesters have their emails checked by CSIS).

So this election I have put out my signs, and to date 22 of the 23 signs that I have put up have disappeared. Some of them were stolen in broad daylight. Strangely, Ed Holder signs appeared where my signs had been, at one location.


signs 3

If you view it from the ideals helicopter, my signs are asking the basic question, do we really have a democracy? What my signs are asking is, is this your election, or is this OUR election? If this is your election and my signs have no room in it, you are admitting that we don’t have a democracy. My signs are saying that I want a say, my signs are saying with a voice as loud as I can muster, “I do not accept that you make no place for me and my voice”.

And my signs are telling the rest of you, if you want Democracy, then you better start acting like you want it; our politicians are not going to just hand it to you.

I will continue to put up my signs as long as the election lasts.



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This is from my earlier experiment with putting up signs:


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Time to Rethink Our Allegiance to Parties


I think that it is time for citizens to rethink Parties and the Party System. We are quickly approaching the Federal Election and the Opposition Parties are quick to tell us that the Harper Government is bad for Canada and Canadians. Most Activists believe that the Harper Government is dangerous, so much so that a petition is circulating requesting the UN send in Election Monitors, suspecting that Harper is going to do something to rig the Election. 70% of Canadians want change from the present Government.

With the discontent of 70% will we see that change in Government?  With the polls showing suggesting that there are many 3 way races (London North Centre being one of those ridings) that would take the Liberals or the NDP 3rd place candidates stepping out of the race, and/or even other minor parties, but we all know that is not going to happen despite all the rhetoric of how harmful Harper is. When we are getting heaved under the political bus for the cause of Party expediency, why should we care about parties. They have chosen Party over Canada and People, why don’t we see the reality of a betrayal of us,  perhaps it is time that we should be thinking of electing Independents whose interests are more on the Constituents needs, with no Party to divert their true allegiance.

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